Geomorphology GLG362/598 Instructor: Kelin X. Whipple,, ISTB4-777 (5-9508) TA: Emily Zawacki,, ISTB4-603 Office Hours – just make an appointment Your Info (please jot down and hand in) Year and Primary Interest (major/research focus) Math/Physics/Geomorphology background Software experience (ArcGIS, Excel, Matlab, SSH) Own a laptop for in class use? If yes, prefer local install Aps? Rec: bring to lab Reminder LAB: 12:55-2:55 Wed in PSH461
Geomorphology GLG362/598 Process-based instruction. Textbook is complementary. I do not survey different landscapes (desert, coastal, permafrost, alpine, etc): Hillslopes, Channels (glaciers), +/- Floodplains Teach how to think about all landscapes How to read a landscape, how to proceed with a quantitative analysis Project-based course Hydrology; Hillslopes and Channel Heads; Alluvial Fans; Fluvial Processes; Landscape Evolution Project Reports (no exams) Every other lab -- 4 page (single, 12 point) plus figures, maps, cross-sections, calculations. START EARLY, STAY ON SCHEDULE
Geomorphology GLG362/598 Field Trips Practical Skills Depart EARLY – 7:30am; We Provide Vehicles; No Make Ups #1 Sept 8-9 (Camping); Flagstaff Volcanic Field #2 Sept 30 (Sat); Verde River Hydraulics Practical Skills ArcGIS, Matlab/Excel, Jupyter Notebooks Airphoto Interpretation/ Mapping Surficial Units Surveying (basics) Stream gaging DEM Analysis 30% Grads: same exercises, different expectations
Geomorphology GLG362/598 Textbook Class Website (not Blackboard) Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes, Anderson and Anderson, Cambridge University Press, 2010. Class Website (not Blackboard) Motivations for Study of Surface Processes First Wave Climate Science Completed: climate is changing, causes known Second Wave Coming: what are consequences, how respond? Landuse Change plausibly even more dramatic Prediction: Need Quantitative Understanding of Processes / Record of Past Conditions/Responses Earth System Response to Past Changes? Seismic Hazard Assessment Record of Past Conditions (Tectonics, Climate) Preserved in Landscapes: Long Term Landscape Evolution
Geomorphology GLG362/598 Labs First Lab Wednesday, Rm H461 Topic is Landuse and Hydrology Learn to Use ArcGIS Lab 1 has 3 parts, Lab 1a deliverable due this Friday (nothing major – just need to keep pace with learning Arc) The Weekend’s Homework Read Chapter 1 (pg 3-9) and Essay on “Landscapes and Geologic History” by Allen (3p), posted on class website ( Class Discussion: Start with Written Questions, then please hand in your questions
Overview/Guidelines (Chapter 1) Many interacting processes: wind, rain, runoff, ice, heat/cool, freeze/thaw, chemical attack – all modualted by life; all event-driven, variable Our Approach: Conservation (of mass [water, sediment, atoms], energy, momentum) Transport Rules (flow of water ice, transport of sediment, etc) Event Size, Frequency and Duration (storms, floods, climate variations, etc)
Video of One Year’s Weather
Runoff vs Rainfall
Taiwan Geology and Topography – 3D
Taiwan Cross-sections
Taiwan Cross-sections
Taiwan Geology and Topography – 3D
Sandbox Experiment, with Erosion “Erode” (slice with a knife) to maintain a critical taper
Orogenic WedgeTheory: Strong Climate-Tectonics Coupling Mechanics of Deformation: Theory for Control of Orogen Width; Strain Concentration Stolar et al, 2006 Penrose Volume
DESERT JUNGLE Deflected Rivers ~12m Annual Rainfall
TRMM Rainfall Map
Numerical Simulations: Strong Climate-Tectonics Coupling Beaumont et al., 2001 Nature Willett, 1999 JGR