Common Freshwater Fish With pictures
Cichlids Cichlids are one of the most popular aquarium fish. There are over 1,200 species of cichlids. They are known for their pleasing appearances and outgoing personalities. Some are freshwater and some are brackish water. Tiger Oscar Jack Dempsey
Betta Bettas are known for their bright colors and long pretty finnage Also known as Siamese fighting fish. You can not put 2 males together
Mollies Mollies come in black, white (silver), gold or marbled Mollies Mollies come in black, white (silver), gold or marbled. They can adapt to salt water slowly.
Blue Gourami The Blue Gourami is also known as the Three-Spot Gourami Blue Gourami The Blue Gourami is also known as the Three-Spot Gourami. This gourami is a rather peaceful fish . Blue Gouramis are considered Labyrinth Fish, meaning they can breathe directly from the air and should have access to the surface of the aquarium.
Angelfish Long Arrow-like fins, variety of colors Angelfish Long Arrow-like fins, variety of colors. The black and silver are very common
Plecos - Algae eaters, they attach themselves to hard surfaces with specially adapted mouth parts
Neon Tetra Neon line through body - iridescent blue with a bright red tail, the Neon Tetra is a peaceful fish that will make a great addition to a community aquarium.
Fancy Guppies These hardy colorful guppy fish add excitement and brilliance to the passive community aquarium. Guppies stay small, under 2-1/2 inches in length.
Platies Platies are hardy and colorful fish that make a wonderful addition to the passive community aquarium.
Redtail Shark Black body, Red tail Can be aggressive with smaller fish Good Jumpers
Bala Shark Large fish can grow up to 13” Also known as Silver Sharks Good Jumpers
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