Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Begin reading on Page 318. What did the election of 1800 show about the nature of politics? Look at the political map on page 319. What part of the country supported Jefferson?
Open your book to pg. 310 Copy the chart over the Alien and Sedition Acts
Naturalization Act – changed from 5 yrs. To 14 yrs Naturalization Act – changed from 5 yrs. To 14 yrs. Residency before aliens could seek citizenship.
Sedition- say or write something harmful or false criticism about the govt. Immigrants – disagree w/ U.S. govt. & you are jailed or removed – sent home Outcome: T. J. becomes Pres. He ended the Alien & Sedition Acts.
XYZ Affair (pg. 309) The French were seizing Am. ships to prevent Am XYZ Affair (pg. 309) The French were seizing Am. ships to prevent Am. from trading with the British b/c they were at war w/them. Agents XYZ offered a bribe & loan. Am. refused & prepared for war by setting aside money to strengthen the U.S. military.
War between Britain & France prompts national security issues. Why – Political Parties???? The 1st two political parties were created in support or opposition to issues concerning how strong the central govt. should be.
Louisiana Purchase – 1803 Pages 324-325 The Deal: Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from Napolean Bonaparte for $15 million. Dirt cheap! The significance: This land purchase doubled the size of the United States.
Louisiana Purchase – The deal: 1803 land purchased from France; Napoleon Bonaparte leader, for $15 million Significance: It doubled the size of the territory controlled by the U.S. govt.
Page 320 ---Judiciary Act of 1801 ----- Who did this Page 320 ---Judiciary Act of 1801 ----- Who did this? What was the outcome? Could this sort of thing happen today?? Read pg. 321 Write a paragraph describing the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Case. (6 minutes)
Marbury V. Madison - 1803 Issue: Jefferson ordered Madison not to deliver Adams’ last-minute judicial appointments. Decision: Law that allowed Marbury to sue Madison for delivery of his appointment was unconstitutional. Significance: Court case established Judicial review. Judicial review is the power of the federal court to determine the constitutionality of the law.
Embargo Act – 1807 Page 330- 331 Embargo Act: Jefferson enacted this act to ban trade with all foreign countries after Britain attacked the Chesapeake. He established the Embargo Act to avoid war. The Embargo Act was a failure because Britain started trading with Latin America.
Embargo Act (1807) Prohibited Americans from trading with all foreign nations. Purpose: The act was intended to prevent American entrance into Napoleonic War by keeping the ships in American harbors. Outcome: (Failed & hurt the Am. economy.)
Read the Lewis & Clark expedition pg. 324-25 Read the Lewis & Clark expedition pg. 324-25. What benefit was there to exploring this new territory?