Treaty of Greenville – treaty by which Indians gave uplands for money in Ohio & promised not to fight. Tecumseh – Shawnee leader who opposed white settlers taking Indian lands & he told his people resist white ways. The Prophet - (religious leader who tells future) – do not take on white ways: RESIST WHITE WAYS. William Henry Harrison - was governor of the Indiana Territory & hero of Battle of Tippecanoe Creek. Battle of Tippecanoe – Harrison marched 1000 soldiers against the Native Americans and WON.
Tecumseh's Confederacy General William Henry Harrison 9th President of the U.S. Battle if Tippacanoe Creek was won by Gen. William Henry Harrison.
Henry Clay Senator & member of the House of Representatives Democratic/Republican From Kentucky War Hawks- a group of Congressman from the West who wanted to go to war with Britain. They had a strong sense of Nationalism.
Causes to the War of 1812
War Hawks – Members of congress from the West who want war with Britain Henry Clay – Leader in congress & outspoken War Hawk from Kentucky who wanted war with Britain. #3 – White settled on Indian lands, broke treaties, and hunted animals that N.A. relied to survive. #4 – To stop white settlers from expanding farther onto Indian lands. #5 - reasons why War hawks wanted congress to declare war on Britain.
What caused American foreign trade to drop of so drastically in 1807?
11/26/14 Focus – President James Madison #4 & President James Monroe #5 DO NOW: Read the Monroe Doctrine Primary Source reading on side 2 of today’s handout and answer the questions. HW –
James Madison 1809 - 1817 4th President Father of Constitution Secretary of State under Jefferson Democratic-Republican From Virginia Father of Constitution President during the War of 1812 w/ Britain
4. Sen. Henry Clay felt that Britain was still treating Causes to The War of 1812 Wanted revenge for British Impressment - Britain was not respecting the rights of our neutrality. 2. Britain was inciting Native Americans in the west by arming then with guns on the Frontier 3. Southern & Western Farmers wanted Canada for more farming territory & to finally get rid of the British in North America. 4. Sen. Henry Clay felt that Britain was still treating the U.S. like a colony
Results of the War of 1812 The Treaty Of Ghent Nationalism The U.S. signed the _________________________________ which officially ended the War – no really won the war. It did not address the issue of impressment. Nationalism The U.S. gains a sense of ______________________________as a result fighting the war. Andrew Jackson General _____________________________ becomes an instant war hero as result of his major victory at the Battle of _____________________ where he was severely outnumbered by the British. New Orleans Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key writes the __________________________________ after witnessing that that the U.S. flag was still flying on Fort McHenry when the battle was over after an all-night bombardment on the Fort McHenry in Baltimore Maryland. Because of the lack of foreign trade caused by the War of 1812, Northern merchants were forced to concentrate on _____________________________ goods as way to stabilize the economy. Manufactured Goods
Even though it was fought after an armistice had been signed, why was the Battle of New Orleans an important victory for America? By defeating a force that was superior in size & strength, Jackson demonstrated that America was still a powerful military force. What was the most important achievement of the U.S. during the War of 1812? It Confirmed American Independence & nationalism.
President James Monroe – POTUS #5 Democratic Republican from Virginia 1817 - 1825 Known for the Era of Good Feelings – after War of 1812 people feeling Nationalism Issued the Monroe Doctrine – “Europe stay out of Western Hemisphere” – After Spain & Portugal defeated Napoleon in 1815 they looked to reclaim their territories in South Americas. Instructed Secretary of State John Quincy Adams to negotiate the Adams-Onis Treaty under which the Spanish ceded the Florida Territory to the U.S. for $5 Million.
3. How did Revolutions change Latin America 3. How did Revolutions change Latin America? Many former Spanish colonies gained their Independence trough fighting revolutionary wars with Spain. Monroe Doctrine Simon Bolivar
Do Now: Monroe Doctrine Cartoon
Who do these gentlemen represent? Who does this guy represent? NOT In My Backyard
Border fence between Mexico & California