Conflict Chapter 9, Section 3
Questions Why was the year 1800 good for U.S. merchants? What did Britain begin doing to U.S. ships in 1804? What was Jefferson’s reaction to the Chesapeake? Who was Tecumseh and why was he important to Native Americans? What was Prophetstown? Why was William Henry Harrison important? What was the result of Britain helping the Native Americans?
Americans in Foreign Seas The year 1800 was a good period for U.S. shipping. The United States began trading with China…without the fear of being attacked. France and England at War
Freedom of the Seas Thomas Jefferson is reelected in 1804. During the conflict between France and Britain (Europe), the United States had managed to remain neutral. They traded supplies with both France and Britain As the war heightened, France and Britain began seizing supply ships and blocking enemy ports.
Freedom of the Seas Britain and France were in desperate need of sailors, thus, they once again began impressment of American citizens (merchants). In 1807, Britain attacks a U.S. ship named the Chesapeake. They open fire killing 3 and wounding 18. Many in the U.S. demanded war with Britain. Jefferson had other ideas.
The Chesapeake
A Disastrous Trade Ban To protect the U.S., Jefferson put the Embargo Act into affect. Embargo: Prevents trade with another country. The Embargo Act prevented imports and exports from nearly all foreign countries (specifically France and England).
War Fever James Madison becomes our 4th President. He takes power at an unfavorable time. In 1810 Madison immediately repeals the Embargo Act. France and Britain, however, continued seizing American ships and selling them for profit. Native Americans in the west are also creating disturbances.
Frontier Conflicts In 1803, Ohio becomes a state. Between 1801 and 1810, thousands of white settlers come to the Ohio River Valley and slowly push Native Americans from the land. Tensions grew! A Native American leader by the name of Tecumseh created an alliance of Natives that was backed by the British.
Frontier Conflicts Tecumseh was a great speaker and many Native Americans followed him. Tecumseh created a headquarters in modern day Indiana, where the Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers meet. He called his headquarters “Prophetstown”.
Battle of Tippecanoe In 1811 a man by the name of General William Henry Harrison (governor of the Indiana territory) attacked Prophetstown where he defeated the Native Americans and Tecumseh. Harrison eventually becomes our 9th President This defeat only angered Tecumseh more. He would now ask the British to assist him in a military campaign against the United States
Declaring War Due to the British’s illegal search and seizure of U.S. ships, impressment of U.S. citizens, as well as supplying Native Americans with weapons in the Ohio River Valley; Madison declares war on Britain in 1812 America’s 2nd war with the British would be known as the War of 1812