Technological Development and their Impacts By: Steffi Milfort, Diarvion Callendar and Tykim Benson
Aim: How has technological development affected the U. S Aim: How has technological development affected the U.S. economy and society positively and negatively? Objective: SWBAT list and identify the positive and/or the negative effects of technological developments on the U.S. economy and society. Do Now: List at least 2 technological developments in the U.S. Exit Ticket: Write down one technological development and its impact on you. Homework: Write a well developed paragraph using two of the technological developments we learned in class and discuss their impacts.
The Cotton Gin The cotton gin was an invention that quickly and efficiently combed the seeds out of cotton balls. Type of effect: Positive: Southerners produced more than 2 million bales of cotton annually, and the southern economy became wealthy and respectable. Negative: The demand for slave labor sky rocketed. The enslaved population increased by 3 million people.
The Assembly Line The assembly line was a form of large scale manufacturing first adopted by car maker Henry Ford. It divided operations into a simple task and cut unnecessary motion to a minimum. Type of Effect: Positive: Reduced the amount of time it took to make a car, allowed most Americans to afford a car, workers were paid more and, caused other industries such as rubber, lead, and petroleum to grow.
The Automobile The automobile is a great invention. It allows people to travel from one place to another with the help of a motor engine. Type of Effect: Positive: Gave people mobility and freedom, Allowed people to live further out of the city and the suburbs while being able to commute to work and caused many industries such as oil and rubber to boom. Negative: Increased the need for oil and the consumptio n of fossil fuels, and pollutes the air. The automobile
The Radio The radio is a device used for receiving or transmitting a radio broadcast. The industry grew in the 1920s by helping to create a national community. Type of Effect: Positive: Linked people across the country to the same music, entertainment programs, sports and news. Allowed people to listen to President Roosevelt's fireside chats and know what their government is trying to do to help them.
Cellphones Cellphones are miniature mobile phones made with microprocessors and digital technology and became widely popular in 2000s. Type of Effect: Positive: Allows people to communicate globally through talk and text. People can share videos from anywhere and is a fast and portable way to access the internet