Spring Term 2 - Group 1 Wk 1 HFW Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. could 2. found 3. which 4. when 5. couldn’t 6. please 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check again). 2) Write your spellings out in a complete sentence in your homework book (Don’t forget to check punctuation ).
WALT: endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, Spring Term 2 - Group 2 Wk 1 WALT: endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. hesitation 2. expression 3. discussion 4. extension 5. magician Statutory word list 6. marvellous 7. mischievous 8. muscle Commonly Misspelled Words 9. through 10. threw 11. though Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). Write at least 10 of your sentences in your homework book. Use a dictionary to check the meaning.
Spring Term 2 - Group 3 Wk 1 WALT: endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. completion 2. admission 3. comprehension 4. confession 5. mathematician 6. musician Statutory word list 7. marvellous 8. mischievous 9. muscle Commonly Misspelled Words 10. through 11. threw 12. though Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). Write at least 10 of your sentences in your homework book. Use a dictionary to check the meaning.
Strictly speaking, the suffixes are – ion and –ian. Clues about whether to put t, s, ss or c before these suffixes often come from the last letter or letters of the root word. –tion is the most common spelling. It is used if the root word ends in t or te. –ssion is used if the root word ends in ss or –mit. –sion is used if the root word ends in d or se. Exceptions: attend – attention, intend – intention. –cian is use