Unit 5: Spiritual Conflict in the North American Context
Myth in North America Ideals Embedded in our Christian Cultural Heritage The fun is in the fight--not in living 'happily ever after' Warfare is a chess game, with the best strategist winning Though not always easy to discern wrong from right, it will all wash out in the end. Good will always triumph simply because it is right The hero snatches victory from the very jaws of defeat Victory is achieved through trials and tribulations Good violence may be used to overcome evil violence.
Western Images of God God is a cosmic sadist just waiting for you to step out line so He can zap you. God is your personal magician working miracles on demand (as long as you ask in faith). God is just like your human father. God does not really accept you; you have to earn His love. God is so concerned with running the universe that He can't bother with you. God is a pluralist; He does not really care what you believe, as long as you believe it strongly enough. God helps those who help themselves.
Western Images of Satan A Spectrum of Thought Satan is only a myth from early human history and is not important for us today. Satan is a harmless (and somewhat comic) being in red tights with horns and a pitchfork. Nothing you hear about Satanism ( satanic abuse, sacrifices, rock music, dungeons and dragons, etc.) is true. Satan is watching my every move, and I have no real protection against him. All demonic activity must be handled through overt, confrontational power encounter. All satanists are unified into a total world conspiracy.
Shifts in Worldview in the U.S. More magical thinking Spirituality of all forms accepted Religion more of a consumer item Base of materialism somewhat intact
Evidences of a Growing “Christian Animism” Peretti powerscapes Demonomania Functional dualism Mousetrap mentality Case study substantiation of theology Reductionism
Satanism in North America The rise of neopaganism Wicca Satanism A world-wide conspiracy? Reported levels of satanism Dabblers Self-styled satanists Organized satanists (the public variety) Intergenerational covert satanists Satanic ritual and ritual abuse
Dissociative Identity Disorder Defined The existence within an individual of two or more distinct personalities, or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self). Causes of DID Defense against severe trauma Imaginative ability Treatment of DID Goal: fusion of the personality states Long term treatment professional seen as necessary The role of the lay person Become aware Be a builder of trust Help them make wise decisions Help them network into a healthy community Provide stabilizing, unconditional, tough (and bold) love