Welcome to First Grade Parent Night 2018-2019
Our Mission The mission of Alabaster City Schools is to partner with families and the community to inspire and prepare graduates to be responsible and productive champions of their futures.
Mrs. Kristy Ellis I have been teaching 1st grade for 17 years. I am a life-long resident of Alabaster. My husband is a City Council member, and we have 2 daughters, and 2 dogs! I love ALabama Football, going to the movies, eating out and being with my family and friends!
Attendance Your child needs to be here all day, unless sick Send written excuse within three days of absence (no emails) Refer to Code of Conduct for detailed information
*** Will be updated in the next week My Website You can access: Daily Schedule Weekly Newsletter Helpful Links *** Will be updated in the next week
Reading ARI (Alabama Reading Initiative) School – teach phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension 90 Minute Reading Block Phonics Progression– Harcourt ACCRS – Alabama College and Career Ready Standards
Reading First 15 Days of Reading Literacy Stations/Small Groups Intervention Comprehension – The reason for reading Reading Strategies Grade Level Reading Performance Standards
Writing Workshop Process/Conference Approach Developmental Stages of Writing Write Across Curriculum Being a Writer program (K-3) Zaner Bloser spelling and handwriting program
Spelling Zaner Bloser spelling program Inventive spelling and conventional spelling Embedded in Reading instruction and Writing Workshop Ten Word Test given on Fridays
Math Math Program – Investigations AMSTI trained Instruction based on NCTM and ACCRS process and priority content standards Hands on Problem Solving with multiple ways to solve a problem Explaining one’s thinking
Science and Social Studies AMSTI trained Science standards Hands-on Embedded in reading and writing
Other Classes P.E. daily Recess Art, Music, Computer Lab, Library (Weekly) Guidance (Monthly) STEAM Lab (2 times a month)
Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Best Practice We teach the whole child and have high expectations for our students We will stretch their brains as far as possible, while providing the support they need Provide engaging, hands-on experiences
7 Habits of Happy Kids School wide character education initiative Will be embedded in instruction and used within our behavior management plan and taught in guidance Be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand than be understood, synergize, sharpen the saw
Emergency School Closings Stay tuned to local news stations for school closing An email/remind will be sent (if possible) as soon as I know about the closing Student will go home usual way Creek View Day Care students will go home as a car riders Have emergency plan in place
Field Trips/Special Days Pioneer Day – November 20 Christmas Tree Farm – November 29 101st Day of School - January Camp Fletcher – Spring April 5 Visitors and special school wide activities– Science Day, Author’s Day, Read Across America, etc.
Behavior Management Classroom Rules Conduct calendar Positive Referals/Warrior Cards/Compliments Fun Friday
Homework Reading homework Spelling homework Math homework Graded Work: Weekly Progress folder
Other Important Reminders All checks need physical address and phone number Money should be labeled with name and purpose Change of transportation must be sent in writing Change of clothes in backpack Students may not transport medicine Students may not bring toys to school V-soft and security Special birthday snacks Remind 101, Twitter, Facebook, Emails PTO Please check folders daily Please read newsletters Donations Parent Compacts
Daily Schedule 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Spelling 8:00-9:00 Math 9:00-9:20 Journals/Review 9:20-9:40 Recess 9:40-10:40 Reading Stations 10:42-11:07 Lunch 11:22-11:52 Enrichment: M: Music T: Library TH: Art F: Computer 11:56-12:26 PE 12:30-1:00 Whole Group Readin 1:00-2:00 Unit: Science and Social Studies 2:00-2:45 Language Arts and Writing