Business climate survey Team Sweden in the UAE 28 November 2018 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2018
FOREWORD The United Arab Emirates (UAE) have experienced rapid modernization due to the wealth derived from oil revenues. Today, the country is Sweden’s second largest trading partner in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) with more than 200 Swedish companies directly or indirectly represented in the market. In addition to the role as a trading partner, the UAE is also an important regional hub for Swedish companies. Many regional business opportunities are generated in the UAE and a significant part of trade with Swedish products goes through the country. In an ever-changing world it is important to understand how the business environment affects the operations in order to adapt and stay competitive. Team Sweden in the UAE has therefore conducted a survey on how Swedish companies present in the UAE perceive the business climate to further understand market characteristics, challenges and key success factors and future outlook. We often read forecasts and reports based on statistics and macro indicators, this report offers an important complement with insights from those who knows it best – companies with local presence. This presentation is a summary of the results of the study. We hope it will bring insights to both companies currently operating here as well as those who are planning to establish themselves here. H.E. Mr. Henrik Landerholm Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE Mr. Massoud Biouki Trade Commissioner of Sweden to the UAE Business Sweden 4 February, 2019
The UAE and Sweden have an established trade relationship THE UAE SNAPSHOT SWEDEN & THE UAE 9.4 MILLION FEDERATION OF SEVEN EMIRATES 6.3 BILLION SEK (2017) POLITICAL SYSTEM SWEDISH EXPORTS TO THE UAE POPULATION 0.8% $40 698 374 MILLION SEK (2017) GDP GROWTH (2017) GDP PER CAPITA IMPORTS FROM THE UAE TO SWEDEN Bordering countries: Land: Oman, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Sea: Iran, Qatar ~ # 200 SWEDISH COMPANIES ARE PRESENT IN THE UAE* Largest trading partners: China India USA KSA Germany The UAE is located in the south-eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula * BASED ON TEAM SWEDEN’S KNOWLEDGE AND DEFINITION OF SWEDISH COMPANY
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The uae is an attractive market for doing business and the future outlook is optimistic 1 82% of respondents find the UAE as an excellent, very good or good place to do business Geographic location Infrastructure investment and PPP projects Ease of doing business Market size Expo 2020 Advantages Current Situation – 2018 Growth of the UAE business operations Growth of MENA business operations Profitability increase Increase of the number of employees 52% 55% 26% 38% Challenges Future Outlook – 2019 Growth of the UAE business operations Growth of MENA business operations Profitability increase Increase of the number of employees 67% Rough competition Bureaucracy Business environment Trade complexity 69% 50% Excellent Very good Good 55% Business Sweden 4 February 2019
Healthcare & Life Science ABOUT THE RESPONDENTS THE RESPONDENTS ARE FROM MANY SECTORS AND are mainly established in free zones MARKET PRIMARY AND REGIONAL ACTIVITY REVENUE Q: Which is your most important market in the UAE?* Q: What is your primary activity in the UAE? Q: What is the total annual revenue from your office in the UAE? Q: What is your type of establishment? Q: What customer segment is your main customer group? 68% B2B Respondents are mainly active in the Emirate of Dubai (74%) and established in a free zone (74%) Respondents are from various sectors, the top 3 sectors, except from “Other” are: construction (13%) followed by manufacturing sector and ICT (10% each) The companies are mainly performing marketing and sales activities in the country (60%) with other businesses as their main customers (68%) The UAE functions as a regional hub office for 90% of the respondents 45% of respondents have an annual revenue of around 6-45 million AED from the office SECTORS 90% Respondents indicate that the UAE office acts as a regional hub headquarter 13% 10% 10% Top countries managed by the UAE office Oman (87%) Kuwait (81%) Saudi Arabia (78%) Qatar (67%) Construction Manufacturing ICT 8% 8% 8% Security & Defense Engineering Products Energy & Environment Top markets indicated with most growth potential: Saudi Arabia UAE Egypt Kuwait 5% 5% 18% Consumer Goods Healthcare & Life Science Other *SUM SURPASSES 100% WHEN RESPONDENTS CHOSE MORE THAN ONE AVAILABLE OPTION Business Sweden 4 February 2019
FACTORS HAVING POSITIVE IMPACT ON BUSINESSES IN THE UAE 82% OF RESPONDENTS VIEW uae as AN EXCELLENT, VERY GOOD OR GOOD PLACE TO DO BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE, MARKET SIZE AND EASE OF DOING BUSINESS ARE KEY FACTORS Q: Generally, is the UAE a good place to do business? OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 40% of respondents found it easy to establish a company in the UAE, whereas 26% of survey participants have indicated that this process was difficult or very difficult The highest availability of competent local staff was indicated for positions within administration (57% respondents indicated very high or high), logistics (52%) and service (54%) fields, the lowest – within the production (24%) segment. Generally, availability of competent local staff is seen as moderate within most of the indicated fields 82% of respondents believe that the UAE is an excellent, very good or good place to do business. None of the survey participants have indicated that it was a bad or a very bad place for business. Q: What factors have a very positive or positive impact on your business operations in the UAE? VOICES OF THE MARKET Dubai is a hub and suits well to cover other markets from. But it starts to be expensive to operate from and the location will be questioned in the future if this trend does not change. As revenues are failing its difficult to defend Dubai as a location for our business unit. Very easy place to live and do business across the region. Half way between regional headquarters in Singapore and headquarters in Sweden. Many global clients have operations in Dubai and this is increasing. Business Sweden Infrastructure investment and PPP projects (65%), market size (54%) and ease of doing business (53%) were indicated as the key factors having very positive or positive impact on business operations in the UAE
CURRENT SITUATION AND FUTURE OUTLOOK MAJORITY OF RESPONDANTS HAD A POSITIVE YEAR 2018 AND ALSO FORECAST 2019 AS A YEAR OF GROWTH Current AND FUTURE REVENUE AND PROFITABILITY GROWTH ARE INDICATED CURRENT SITUATION FUTURE OUTLOOK Revenue growth 67% of companies anticipate that their business operations in the UAE in 2019 will grow at the rate of 5–20% as compared to this year. The same growth rate of their operations in MENA is anticipated by 69% of respondents. 9% of survey participants foresee negative growth rate between - 5% and -20% of their operations in the UAE next year. The same view is shared by 11% of respondents in terms of their operations in MENA in 2019. Profitability Companies are optimistic in terms of profitability in the UAE in 2019: Half of the respondents – 50% – expect their companies’ profitability next year to increase and a third - 36% - believe that the profitability will stay stable Investments Investments are foreseen in 2019, however on a slightly smaller scale comparing to 2018: next year 40% of respondents plan investments, majority of them will also invest in OPEX In 2019 companies plan to invest from 200 kAED to 12 mUSD Revenue growth 52% of survey participants have recorded revenue growth between 5–20% in the UAE as compared to 2017. The same revenue growth rate in MENA was indicated by 55% of respondents 26% of companies have indicated negative growth rate of operations in the UAE this year as compared to last year. The same negative growth rate in MENA was indicated by 23% of survey participants Profitability Almost half of the survey participants – 46% – are anticipating stable profitability in 2018 26% of respondents have indicated expectations on the increase of their companies’ profitability this year Whereas 28% said that their profitability in 2018 will decrease Investments 42% of respondents have indicated investments in the UAE this year. Most of them – 63% – have invested in OPEX Companies have indicated investments from 300 kAED to 10 mUSD Business Sweden
CONCLUSION & FINAL WORDS Swedish companies active in the UAE perceive this market as a good place to do business. The country is mainly valued for its strategic location in the region but also for the ease of doing business, access to skilled local employees, infrastructure investment and private public partnership projects, among other reasons. Although there are obvious challenges the Swedish companies are facing, among which – fierce competition, bureaucracy, trade complexity, payment terms – we are pleased to see the positive view the Swedish companies share on the future outlook. As illustrated in this study, half of the respondents anticipate growth of their business operations in the UAE, foresee profitability growth in 2019. Sweden has a good reputation in the UAE, is associated with quality, trust and innovation and the Swedish companies find it beneficial for their businesses to highlight Swedish origin. The footprint of Swedish companies will hopefully increase as the UAE continues to grow and more companies start realizing the country’s and the region’s potential. We would like to thank the companies and people that took their time to participate in the study and share their insights from doing business here. We hope the study is interesting and the insights will help Swedish companies in the UAE to grow further. H.E. Mr. Henrik Landerholm Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE Mr. Massoud Biouki Trade Commissioner of Sweden to the UAE Business Sweden 4 February, 2019
Contact us Business Sweden – The Swedish Trade & Invest Council Concord Tower, 26th floor, Office 2607, Media City P.O. Box 25906, Dubai, UAE T +971 4 429 8600 E