Vocabulary Industrialism – Production based on the use of machines rather than human/animal labor Crop Rotation – Farmers grew different crops on a piece of land each year Enclosure Movement – Landowners fenced off sections of land to grow one crop more efficiently Urbanization – Movement of people from rural areas to cities Monopoly – Total control of one particular industry or business Partnerships – Two or more entrepreneurs investing capital in a business to earn a profit Trade Union – Association of workers with the same skill who unite to negotiate better working conditions, wages, etc. Strike – Refusal of trade union members to work in order to force employers to meet demands Socialism – Government ownership of the means of production (raw materials, land, factories) Zaibatsu – Coordination of Japanese Factories and the Japanese Government
Look up Reason why industrialism started in Great Britain System used before industrialism to create finished goods (think cottage industry) Classes create by industrial revolution When someone has ownership and rights to an invention Invention that allowed factories to be built anywhere Process that used a coal derivative (coke) to purify iron ore Father of socialism, wrote the Communist Manifesto Private ownership over the means of production Adam smith used what French word to describe private industry free from government interference. In socialism what is the working class referred to What two raw materials/natural resources allowed Great Britain to be a place where industrialism could begin Three countries where industrialism spread after Great Britain Identical items that make repair and construction easier and economical Method of producing goods on a conveyor belt (think henry ford) Inventor of the steam engine Inventor of the cotton gin Inventor of the telephone Inventor of the spinning jenny Inventor of the 1st steamboat Inventor of the lightbulb Invented the flying shuttle