Resident Physics Lectures (Year 1) Christensen, Chapter 3 X-Ray Generators George David, MS FAAPM, FACR Associate Professor of Radiology
Requirements to Produce X-Rays Filament Voltage High Voltage anode filament filament voltage source + high voltage source
X-Ray Generator + Supplies electrical power to x-ray tube high voltage between anode & cathode filament voltage + filament anode voltage source high
X-Ray Generator Controls exposure timing Turns exposure on and off Filament heated before exposure High voltage switched on and off
Voltage Supplied US Commercial Power Home Industrial 120 / 240 V 480 V
Voltage Required Home X-Ray Most stuff: 120 V AC / Dryer: 240 V Door bell: 15 V Computer 5 V X-Ray Filament: 8-12 V High voltage: 40-150 kV (40,000V – 150,000V)
Problem: Voltages Don’t Match Voltage Supplied Voltage Required
Transformers Devices that allow voltage to be changed to any desired value
Current Flow and Magnetic Fields Magnetic field surrounds conductor carrying electric current Magnetic field concentrated by coiling conductor Magnetic Field N S Magnetic Field Current Flow
Transformer Construction 2 coils of wire not in electrical contact with each another When electric current passed through primary coil magnetic field develops around primary coil Secondary coil senses magnetic field Magnetic Field Current Flow
Transformer Coil Designations Incoming AC Power Primary Coil Secondary Coil(s) primary coil to which power applied secondary coil which senses magnetic field of primary coil
Transformer Coils When secondary coil feels changing (increasing or decreasing) magnetic field of primary coil power induced in secondary coil no physical connection Incoming AC Power Primary Coil Secondary Coil(s)
Turns Ratio Definition TR=NS / NP number of windings of secondary coil divided by number of windings of primary coil 40 / 20 for transformer below NP = 20 NS = 40
Input DC Voltage & Current Transformer Theory Transformers only work when primary coil current / magnetic field is changing Input DC Voltage & Current Voltage Time Time Zero Output Voltage Input AC Output
Transformer Theory Transformers alter both voltage & current of AC waveforms Voltage in secondary can be > or < voltage in primary Input AC Voltage & Current Output AC Voltage & Current
Transformer Law NS VS ----- = ----- NP VP Voltage Ratio = Turns Ratio # Sec. Coils Sec. Voltage Turns Ratio = ---------------- = ------------------- # Prim. Coils Prim. Voltage NS VS ----- = ----- NP VP
Transformer Types Step up Transformer Step down Transformer # primary coils > # secondary coils primary voltage > secondary voltage Step up Transformer # primary coils < # secondary coils primary voltage < secondary voltage
How does a transformer increase voltage with no source of energy?
Power Power is rate of energy usage Power defined as Voltage X Current Units Voltage => Volts Current => Amps Power => Watts Voltage => Kilovolts Current => milliamps Power => Watts
Power PowerPRIM = PowerSEC VPRIM X IPRIM = VSEC X ISEC Power = Voltage X Current Transformer primary power = secondary power transformer neither creates nor consumes power PowerPRIM = PowerSEC VPRIM X IPRIM = VSEC X ISEC
Power = Voltage X Current Transformers Power = Voltage X Current Electrical power not changed Current exchanged for voltage Voltage goes up – current goes down Voltage goes down – current goes up
Transformer Law (cont.) Current ratio is inverse of voltage ratio # Sec. Coils Sec. Voltage Prim. Current ----------------- = --------------- = ----------------- # Prim. Coils Prim. Voltage Sec. Current NS VS IP ----- = ----- = ----- NP VP IS VPRIM X IPRIM = VSEC X ISEC
Transformer Ratio Ratio = Output voltage / Input voltage Most transformers have fixed ratios X-Ray requires variable ratios Accommodate selection of different kV’s
Autotransformer Only one winding Taps Only one winding Incoming AC voltage connected across coils primary Output voltage proportional to # coils between taps secondary Input NS NP Primary Secondary
Autotransformer NS VS ----- = ----- NP VP Voltage law for autotransformers same as for transformers Variable ratio transformer Secondary voltage adjustable by moving to different tap changes # secondary coils NS Input NS NP NS VS ----- = ----- NP VP Primary
Generator Components control console transformer electronics cabinet kVp adjust mA adjust time adjust transformer high voltage (step up) filament low voltage (step down) electronics cabinet support circuitry or mAs adjust
High Voltage Transformer X-ray Circuit High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA selector Filament Transformer
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA selector Filament Transformer Line Incoming line voltage connected to generator through a circuit breaker. Typ. 220-240 volt AC single phase 240, 480 volt AC three phase
Circuit Breaker Generator connected to power line through a circuit breaker Limits current from power line to generator Allows generator to be disconnected from power line Incoming Power Line Generator Circuit Breaker
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Variable ratio Timer Circuit Fixed ratio + Auto- trans-former Line mA regulator Filament Transformer Auto transformer Variable ratio transformer allowing operator to specify kVp High voltage transformer Boosts output of autotransformer by fixed ratio
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA regulator Filament Transformer Timer Starts & stops exposure Turns transformer primary (low voltage) on & off
Exposure Timing Manual Operator sets time Automatic (Phototimed) Equipment measures radiation Terminates exposure when designated radiation measured
Phototiming Detector in front of receptor Must be essentially invisible Grid Image Receptor Radiation Sensor
Phototiming Fields 1, 2, or 3 fields may be selected individually or in combination proper positioning critical
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA regulator Filament Transformer Timer Develops DC high voltage for x-ray tube
High Voltage Transformer Grounded metal box filled with oil electrical insulator Function Develops proper high voltage for tube Also contains rectifier circuit
New Challenge Transformers only produce AC X-ray tube requires DC high voltage
Rectification Allows current flow only in one direction Transformers only work with alternating current (AC) Rectifier changes alternating current output of high voltage transformer to direct current DC voltage applied to tube
Rectifier Cathode Anode Also called diode Diode is two-component device cathode anode Cathode Anode
Diodes are One Way Streets for Electric Current Allows current to flow from cathode to anode Blocks current from flowing from anode to cathode No Yes C A C A
Diodes: A one-way valve for current Allow current to flow through diode in cathode to anode direction acts like closed switch diodes connected like this said to be “forward biased” Load (tube) + Battery -
Diodes: A one-way valve for current Does not allow current to flow through diode in anode to cathode direction acts like open switch diodes connected like this said to be “reversed biased” + - X
Rectifiers (Diodes) converts AC to pulsating DC Configurations solid state sticks many small diodes placed end to end materials selenium silicon (most common today) DC
Three-Phase Generators Commercial power generally delivered as three phase 3 phases Each phase has same waveform but 120o apart in time Three Phase Power Single Phase Power
Three Phase Rectification 3 Phase Power Three Phase Output Rectification Three Phase Rectification Circuit follows highest of 3 Phases
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA regulator Filament Transformer mA regulator Circuitry for mA selection Corrects mA during exposure.
High Voltage Transformer Rectifier Circuit Timer Circuit + Auto- trans-former Line mA selector Filament Transformer Filament Transformer Changes AC voltage to smaller voltage required by filament (8-12 volts typical)
Power Storage Generators Use batteries Application Remote locations Inadequate power from power line or power line not accessible Outlet inaccessible
Battery-Powered Generators Batteries used for x-ray transport Independent of power line during exposure Disadvantages Batteries must be charged Batteries maintenance Heavy Battery’s DC converted to AC for high voltage transformer to operate
Medium (or high) Frequency Generators higher frequency square wave voltage sent to primary of high voltage transformer Conventional generators use power line’s sine wave very efficient transformer & generator very small
Medium Frequency Generator Operation incoming AC converted to DC DC AC Step #1
Medium Frequency Generator Operation Smooth pulsating DC to constant voltage Pulsating DC Constant DC Step #2
Medium Frequency Generator Operation Regulate smooth DC to required voltage level for kVp requested Constant DC Exposure-level DC Step #3
Medium Frequency Generator Operation DC converted (chopped) to AC Exposure-level DC Chopped AC Step #4
Medium Frequency Generator Operation AC sent to transformer primary normal transforming & rectification high voltage smoothing
Medium Frequency Generators Advantages conducive to computer control immune to power line fluctuations low ripple small size of electronics & transformer small enough to spin on CT gantry Today’s trend in generators
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