United Nations Statistics Division Implementation of ISIC, CPC and other classifications - Survey on national classification practices United Nations Statistics Division EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATIONS 6-8 September 2017, New York
Outline Introduction National practices survey Next steps Status Relationship to international standards Next steps
Introduction The survey of national classifications practices has been carried out since 2000 Primarily focused on activity and product classifications Optional for expenditure classifications In 2012 explicitly opened to occupation classifications Last full survey started in 2012 Using new question format Results / detailed information available on the UNSD website
Questionnaire Collects information on national versions of classifications Regardless of whether identical to, derived from, or different from international standard Information collected covers 35 questions: General information Classification structure Relationship to international standards Classification uses Implementation / revision status Supporting documents Contact information Other
Current coverage 474 classifications from 126 countries Countries Activity classifications 118 124 Product classifications 85 149 Expenditure classifications 51 79 Occupation classifications 74 83 Other classifications 23 39
Current coverage
Current coverage
Relationship to international standard - ISIC Identical Using additional detail Minor modifications to structure Other relationship ISIC Rev.3 4 6 - ISIC Rev.3.1 1 3 ISIC Rev.4 22 5
Relationship to international standard - CPC Identical Using additional detail Minor modifications to structure Other relationship CPC Ver.1 1 5 - CPC Ver.2 8 2 CPA 16 4
Relationship to international standard - ISCO Identical Using additional detail Minor modifications to structure Other relationship ISCO-88 8 3 - ISCO-08 12 23
Next steps Should a new collection be started? May provide better information on recent implementations How to obtain information from missing countries? Efforts have been made in the Pacific Many small countries not visible on the previous map Central/South America needs a boost Central Asia needs new contacts How to engage Africa?
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