Steel Price Index Middle East
About us We are a part of the most popular English based steel portal in world with average 40,000 page hits per day. is ranked around 100,000 amongst the global web sites, ahead of renowned names in steel publications SteelGuru.coms e mail based daily news letter Steel Trade Today has an ever growing bank of subscribers spread over 168 countries. provides a host of other services for steel and related industry is providing steel pricing information in Middle East, India & China through separate ventures
Global spread Steel Trade Today Why ……. Provide bench mark to users to compare the transaction prices What….. Provide daily prices for benchmark products in commercially vital location in Middle East Trend analysis and movements of prices Export levels from major trading countries like Ukraine and China General information related to the industry
Steel price indices What ….. Barometer to track and measure price movements on a daily basis. Why …. Steel prices, accounting for a major portion of the Wholesale Price Index, are a critical factor in monitoring and controlling the Inflationary pressure. Outlines the way local steel market is moving on a daily basis thereby facilitating steel buyers, bankers and analyst take accurate decisions
Methodology Basis …. Price Input from 5 days a week 5 reference locations at UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait & Qatar as major volumes are transacted there Base price taken on 30 th June
Methodology Bench mark products - Long Product Grade Bars BS 4449 Grade 460 B Rods SAE 1008 Angles A 36/275JR Structural HEA Bench mark products - Flat Product Grade Size HRC Tube 2.5 x 1250 Plates A36/SS400 8 x 1250 Plates S275 JR HRS HDG 0.70 MM CRS Commercial
Methodology How …. We have taken country wise sales pattern to give weight age for each item Based on this Price Index (PI) for each product is arrived at Than we have taken share of each product in total Long product sale and in Total Flat product sale. This gives us Long Product Price Index (LPPI) Flat Product Price Index (FPPI) Based on this ratio of long to flat in total sales Steel Price Index (MEASPI) is calculated
Movement so far…
Long products
Flat products
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