Reporter: Stavertiy A.Y., chief engineer Moscow Center of Laser Technologies Moscow, 2013
Types of composite materials -continuous fiber-reinforced -short fiber-reinforced -particle-reinforced 2
Methods of obtaining parts from composite material Spray Forming Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) 3
Creation of products and coatings of nanostructured composite materials using laser melting of powder materials Part of titanium alloy Тi6Al4V received by additive method of laser processing 4 coaxial nozzle gas-powder cone laser beam melted material cladded material
Metal matrix: steel 14ХН3МА Phase-hardener: titanium carbide TiC Chromium Nickel Molybdenum steel Case-hardened steel (high surface hardness HV) is applied to manufacturing of gear wheels, shafts, worms and other case hardening of parts operating under the influence of shock loadings Used for the manufacture of parts and tools, working in conditions of intensive wear in corrosive environments at high temperatures. -increased durability -increased fatigue strength - low density high modulus of elasticity - high hardness - high thermal stability - resistance against oxidation - comparable to steel coefficient of linear thermal expansion Reduction of the weight of material steel/TiC depending on the content of TiC 5
Technological map of the process of direct laser deposition* Development of technological process map *Material: 14XН3MA/TiC (85/15% vol.) The total thickness of the layer exceeds the height of the single clad by 15-30% depending on the step between tracks The thickness of the layer is stabilized with the height of the sample and depends on the type of material Single clad 6 Cladded layer
The structure of composite 14ХН3МА/TiC (66/34% vol.) Different types of microstructures in the composite material of 14ХН3МА/TiC (66/34% vol.) 1 – undissolved particles added TiC 2 – fine particles TiC of cubic, dendrite and needle shape released in grain and on its borders 3 – fine particles TiC of needle and dotted shape released on the limits of grain Features of microstructure of composite material Microstructure: 7
Cross-strategyUnrossed-strategy The anisotropy of the properties of composite materials based on the strategy of its creation σ пр σтσт δ 8
The General results and conclusions 1.An additive laser technology of production of parts made of composite material on the basis of steel and titanium carbide has been developed. Have been obtained samples of composite materials with a content of a hardening of the carbide phase to 34%, with sizes up to 50x75x50 mm 3. 2.Samples of steel, made of cross-strategy of application, have isotropic properties. Limits of fluidity and strength are at the level of cast material. However, the elongation may vary depending on the strategy of cladding. 3.The technological process maps of direct laser manufacture of bulk samples with a certain structure, a given geometry and high capacity use (factor powder material up to 90%) have been prodused. 4.The mechanisms of interaction of the carbide phase and metal matrix, characterised for laser processing method, have been discovered. 5.The resulting composite material, not conceding on indicators of surface hardness, but has reduced by 1-10% mass perspective as the replacement of traditional steel 14ХН3МА for details of special purpose, working in conditions of intensive wear at high temperatures. 9
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