Women’s Rights 11.11.3, 11.10.7 EQ: What led to the rise of the women’s movement, and what impact did it have on American society?
Women’s Rights Feminism political equality for men and women 1840s – 1920 suffrage “glass ceiling” blocked women’s achievement 1920s – 1970s ERA breaking down stereotypes of gender in society mail carrier instead of mailman study herstory instead of history
Feminine Mystique, 1963 women sought more in life than being a housewife happiness outside marriage and motherhood career, hobbies started the women’s rights movement Betty Friedan
National Organization for Women (NOW) formed to use politics to get equality focuses on women’s issues today domestic abuse, abortion rights
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1972 tried to change the Constitution to make men and women equal it had a 7-year deadline and needed 38 states to ratify 35 states ratified, 5 tried to take their ratification back 21 states have ERA language in their state constitutions
Gloria Steinem radical feminist who thought NOW didn’t go far enough started Ms. Magazine in 1972 invented Ms. so women’s names weren’t dependent on marriage (Miss vs. Mrs.) banned Miss America pageant
Phyllis Schlafly argued that ERA would hurt families military service, sex-segregated bathrooms, dependent wife benefits conservative backlash against ERA made it fail by three states
Title IX Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 1964 bans discrimination by gender Title IX of Higher Education Act bans discrimination in classroom and activities
Roe v. Wade, 1973 most states banned or restricted abortion the Supreme Court created one national standard in 1st trimester, abortion is legal in later trimesters states may make restrictions waiting period, parental consent, ban of certain types of abortion all states must allow abortion if the life of the mother is threatened
Compare/Contrast the level of support by each woman. List examples WHY. Gloria Steinem Phyllis Sclafley NOW ERA ROE V. WADE
Women’s Rights Has the women’s rights movement been successful? 30% of workforce in 1950 60% of workforce in 2000 new careers have opened up in medicine, law, politics, and accounting however, the majority of the poor are single women ERA failed Roe v. Wade passed
EQ #7: What led to the rise of the women’s movement, and what impact did it have on American society?