eDofE – a participant’s view Once the participant has completed the enrolment form and paid their money, the county adviser sets up a place on EDofE and they get a welcome email…..
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They login using their details
Welcome from Prince Philip
Complete mandatory information
Choose timescales & save Note that you cannot change timescales if any section including the Residential at Gold is completed. You need to reopen them for the participant to change! They can also access later via My Bronze DofE
Click edit section to complete programme planner
Complete form, choose leader & submit
Participant completes programme planner Leader approves programme planner Participant or leader can add evidence (photos, videos, documents etc.) Minimum evidence is the assessor report If participants add evidence it will come to you for approval Let’s see how to do this…
Participants can also add evidence
Assessors can add a report at www.dofe.org/assessor Use EDofE number and level Check name Submit
Participant has completed the relevant time An assessor report has been added as a minimum Leader can now check and approve the section If you have approved the assessor report you need to go in and approve the section. Let’s see how …
Setting up an expedition Participants or leaders can set up expeditions It is easier for leaders to set the expedition up for the whole group Participants still need to add their aims and objectives Let’s see how this works…
Participant completes aims & objectives Group Aim Personal objectives
They then need to submit the qualifying expedition for approval Submit to leader Section ready for approval Approve section
Use forgotten password link Enter username Challenge question or Can’t remember to get a password emailed