PLANNING RE-USE OF FARM BUILDINGS GEOFF LYON (Senior Planning Officer) North Norfolk District Council
The Big Question…. What can I do with my redundant farm buildings?
The Big Question 2…. Can I diversify to support my farming business/enterprise?
Policy Basis Varies between District Councils – Adopted Local Plans establish the basis for decision making. Advice From Central Government (PPS7) – Sustainable Development in Rural Areas Sustainability is the key word New Local Development Frameworks (LDF) being drafted and put to pubic consultation.
Factors to Consider Other factors that may influence use include:- 1. Highway Safety; 2. Flood Risk (Environment Agency); 3. Contaminated Land - Environmental Health; 4. Conservation/Design/Landscape Issues; 5. Listed Building Legislation; 6. Protected Species (Bats and Barns Owls)
Possible Uses Can I Convert my redundant building into a Residential Dwelling? - a very frequent question - Depends on location but usually in North Norfolk it will be unlikely under the current Local Plan unless the buildings are adjacent to the boundary of a town or village.
Farm Diversification Proposals for farm diversification will be permitted where: a)They would not prejudice the future agricultural operation of the farm and; b)They are in accordance with other policies of the Local Plan
Possible Uses Commercial / Business Use? - Can be in a variety of forms but the end use is often determined by:- 1. Supply/Demand Economics; 2. Location; 3. The size of the building; 4. The cost of converting the building; 5. Likely rental income. Etc……
Possible Uses B1 (Office) – Includes light industry B2 (General Industrial) B8 (Storage & Distribution) A1 (Retail) - Farm Shop (Local Produce) - Real Ale Shop - Local Crafts
Possible Uses Holiday Accommodation? -Becoming quite a frequent proposal, particularly given the popularity of North Norfolk as a tourist destination and a rise in the number of people wishing to take short-breaks within the UK. -Often more for second home use than as a holiday business. -Holiday use would be acceptable in principle subject to certain criteria. -These may change under the LDF.
Complexity of conversion Varies depending upon the chosen end use and the construction of the building -Modern (Steel portal frame) -Traditional (Brick and Flint etc) B2 or B8 use may not require significant financial outlay if using a steel portal frame requiring little modification. Holiday or Office use may require more expense to bring it to the market due to required higher finished standards, particularly for traditional buildings
Starting point Whats the current condition of the redundant building that I would like to re-use? Is it soundly built and suitable for the proposed use without complete or substantial rebuilding and/or extension? If in doubt - Get advice from a Structural Engineer
Capable of Conversion? If the answer is yes, then the hard work begins. It is advisable to employ a good architect who is competent and understands the complexity and sensitivity required to achieve a successful barn conversion scheme. Particularly important in relation to traditional buildings.
Useful Advice North Norfolk Design Guide Available from the Councils Website: g/downloadfiles/DesignG uide_complete.pdf
Useful Advice Available in two parts from:- f/Traditional-Farm1.pdf and f/Traditional-Farm2.pdf Tel: for a copy
Sustainable Construction –Advise consideration of Green Technology –Whilst there is a capital cost involved in including such technology, revenue costs can be significantly reduced; –Particularly useful in off- grid locations
Where Can I get Help & Advice? In North Norfolk – –Planning Dept, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN –Website: –Telephone: (General Enquiries) –Appointment with Planning Officers
How long does it take? Usually a planning application takes 6-8 weeks to determine depending on the complexity of the proposal. Recommend early discussion with Planning Department prior to submission of an application to iron-out any potential problems.
How to Contact Me Direct Geoff Lyon (Senior Planning Officer) Telephone:
Thank You