Ron Hultman & Keith J. Malkowski Summer Summit 2018 MTA Reloaded Ron Hultman & Keith J. Malkowski Presenters
In the Beginning There was MACRAO Met the needs of Michigan’s post-secondary world based on nature of the world in the 1970’s. By the 1990’s our world changed. Wider understanding needed of the world. Greater acceptance and promotion of people’s cultures beyond the classic Western European societies. Computer Science—seen as a science. Was Math a Math or a Science? Provisos Attempts by receiving institutions to bridge gaps perceived in MACRAO. Quantitative Skills Diverse World Exposure Addressed institution specific credit residency requirements. Institutional Gen Ed Program deemed so unique that MACRAO not comparable.
Transfer Makes Legislative Agenda Mid-2000’s Realities: Michigan experiences “perfect storm” combinations of economic growth and decline and tail-end of a population bubble. Students more mobile in their educational pursuits. Completion Agenda and desire to increase Michigan’s overall population possessing post-secondary credentialing bring transfer to the Lansing’s attention. Cost of higher education picks up momentum as a populist theme fueling legislators locally and nationally. Complexity in established Provisos add confusion, complexity to transfers.
Did we Achieve our Aims? 2014, Final Recommendations & Implementation Update (MTA)
Transition Timeline Reminder…Are You Prepared?
Here is What You Shared “Has MACRAO’s MTA Signatory Institutions Properly Designed, Educated and Implemented the Official MTA Articulation Handbook Guiding Principles?” 23 of Summer Summit Registrants said “N/A” 11 Registrants indicated “NO” 54 Registrants indicated “YES”
Here is What You Shared , con’t. Summary of free text comments: “I feel as though the MTA is easily explained to students, and easy for them to understand.” “The agreement needs additional explanatory statements…even if your school does not have a direct credit equivalency…[the course] should still be counted towards MTA completion.” “It seems to me that many of the signatories have specific MTA courses that they want the student to take…we thought students would be allowed to take ANY of the options and…be accepted…”
Here is What You Shared , con’t. “I think we could do a better job creating transparency.” “I try and let transfer students know…they should look at specific major requirements…in order to “double count”…” “a simple, student-focused, implementation would not require graduating students to ask for MTA certification to be added to their transcript. Institutions should check for MTA completion whenever a student files for graduation.”
Make MTA a Part of Your Holistic SEM Plan Ensure MTA is part of Curricular Development/Review If you are a sending institution do your transfer based degrees or those in articulation agreements have MTA 2.0 embedded? Auto award, minimize steps to request? If you are a receiving institution, do you have intentional campaigns to prospective to ask for the MTA 2.0 as part of a successful transfer checklist? Have MTA 2.0 promoted on transfer equivalency sites—we all have “drive-by” visitors to our pages. MTA 2.0--is everyone aware? May seem elementary, but a simple promotion of what the MTA is made up of can be eye opening especially for new academic leaders or SEM leaders especially if new to the State.
Table Town Hall Each table will collaboratively work to address the MTA regarding: Guiding Principles Implementation gaps/needs MTA post 2019? What is needed to keep it viable? List 3-5 essential "take a ways" your table wants to ensure the Articulation Committee has in hand as they prepare to update the MTA Guide?