Around the room are signs with some different things that people may say contribute to their overall happiness. With a marker – put a STAR on the top 3 of these that you feel contribute to your overall happiness.
If you are having a bad day – what things make you feel better If you are having a bad day – what things make you feel better? Look around the room at some of the common things people say help them feel better. Take a marker and put a STAR on the three things you find the most helpful out of these. On the sheet that says “other” write other things that you do that help you to feel better on bad days.
Take a few minutes to complete this survey in your folder.
Before the video: Define the term “Happiness” What does happiness feel like? Describe a happy time you have had within the last year. Who were you with, what were you doing? Explain:
Watch movie – HAPPY – answer questions in your folder as you watch….
CIRCUMSTANCES — 10% Many people believe that their life circumstances play a big role in how happy they are. But studies show that things like how much money you make, your health, or your popularity have only a small influence on your level of happiness.
GENETIC — 50%: Genes play a part in the general level of happiness you are likely to maintain throughout your life. Think about your friends. Do you have friends who usually have a sunny outlook – no matter what – and others who tend to be gloomier? We are all born with a certain range of happiness we fall within most of the time. Researchers call this our genetic set point. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most happy, where would you place your genetic set point? (should this be genetic set “range” instead, or in addition to?)
BEHAVIOR — 40% We can’t really control our circumstances or genetic makeup, but there are lots of things we can do to increase our level of happiness. These are our intentional behaviors: expressing gratitude, doing something kind, connecting with your community, playing, getting in the flow, exercise. Describe 5 things you can do this week to increase your happiness.