“How Does Our Testimony Rate?!” 2 Peter 1:12-15
I’d rather one walk with me, Than merely tell the way. I’d rather see a sermon Than hear one any day. I’d rather one walk with me, Than merely tell the way. Edgar Guest (author/poet)
What would happen if we did this in the church right here?
to better realize what we are and do effects those about us Purpose: to better realize what we are and do effects those about us
I Note Noah’s STRENGTHS A. He Walked with God (Genesis 6:9) B. He Listened to God (Genesis 6:13)
What was the difference between Noah and others of his day What was the difference between Noah and others of his day?... When God was broadcasting His will, Noah tuned in while the rest of the world tuned out!
I Note Noah’s STRENGTHS A. He Walked with God (Genesis 6:9) B. He Listened to God (Genesis 6:13) C. He Was “Perfect” (Genesis 6:9)
II Note Noah’s CONGREGA- TION A. They Were Materialistic
“Giants on the earth… mighty men.” Genesis 6:4 “Giants on the earth… mighty men.”
II Note Noah’s CONGREGA- TION A. They Were Materialistic B. They Were Violent
“… the earth is filled with violence...” Genesis 6:13 “… the earth is filled with violence...”
II Note Noah’s CONGREGA- TION A. They Were Materialistic B. They Were Violent C. They Were Spiritually Blind
III Note Noah’s THEME A. His Was a Theme of Righteousness B. The Way of Righteousness
Not a holier than thou attitude… but a thankful, joyful response to God’s grace!
IV Note Noah’s RESULTS A. No Converts B. He Won His Family
…But, as has been intended through this message, there are some pretty poor sermons being proclaimed in the pews…
Conclusion and Summary …What kind of preaching are we doing when our neighbors hear and see us act unbecoming of our name, Christian which means of or belonging to Christ…. How about it? How does our preaching/testimony rate? God help us to testify like Noah!