Presentation of the Dissertation Defense
The 3 Questions What does my audience expect in my presentation? What do I need to present? How should I present it?
What does my committee expect in my presentation? Dissertation defense To listen to a 30-minute presentation about the dissertation. To participate as an expert in the content and methodology of the suggested study. To ask at least one question that challenges the candidate on methodology and content. To engage in a discussion with not only the candidate but possibly other audience participants.
What do I need to present? Dissertation defense Whatever your chair says to present but probably the following:
Slide Design Reminders 25 words per slide What looks good on your computer screen may not look good projected Color almost always makes slide content harder to understand
How should I present it? Determine the amount of time you have for the presentation. Present content in small steps, in blindingly obvious logical order. Support each step with a memory aid following Mayer’s principles. DO NOT go over the allotted time.
Delivery Practice presentation where you will present Prepare technology Talk to the audience Do not present to the screen Do not apologize for the presentation Keep it simple
The Problem of Direct Quotations Presentation of themes and exemplars. Mayer’s cognitive overload principals: do not read slides to the audience. So, be quiet and let people read. But…
The Problem of Direct Quotations Two problems arise with this strategy. Way too much text on the screen Lots of quotations cause dead air in the presentation. Your audience is going to get uncomfortable.
The Solution Paraphrase the quotation to a few important words in your slide. Read the full text of the quotation out loud from your notes. Still, be careful about reading too much.
How to deal with questions Try to imagine questions in advance. Answer all questions based on what is in your dissertation. Train yourself when appropriate to say: That is an interesting question, but it is beyond the scope of this study. Answer questions succinctly, but honor the person asking the question.
Worry About How Your Presentation Ends Blank or Black Slide? Thank You Slide? Title Slide?