Rethinking Increased/Improved Services & the LCAP Video Vignette: Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol This protocol is designed to assist you in developing LEA-wide or school-wide actions and services that are focused on the needs of unduplicated students. This protocol can be used both internally (e.g., with cabinet) or externally (e.g., with parent advisory committee) to support a robust discussion focused on a single LEA-wide and school-wide action or service, and could be particularly useful for an LEA- wide and school-wide action or service that is controversial or expensive.
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 1: Select an LEA/school-wide action or service intended to increase/improve services for one or more unduplicated student groups and select for which unduplicated student group(s) the Action/Service is designed to increase/improve services. Action/Service: English Learners Low Income Foster Youth Hire therapist to work with students who have experienced trauma Basic example
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 2: Describe the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) selected in Step 1. What is the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s)? What is the evidence for this need? Question to Consider If the need for the action/service among the unduplicated student group(s) is the same as it is among all other students, then what is the basis for concluding that the Action/Service will increase or improve services for unduplicated students as compared with the services offered to all students? How, if at all, does the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) differ from all other students served by Action/Service? What is the evidence for this difference in need? Student engagement metrics (i.e., attendance) and school climate metrics (i.e., suspensions) demonstrate a need among foster youth for mental health support Research and local experience indicate that this is related to many foster youth experiencing trauma What is the need among foster youth See next slide
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 2: Describe the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) selected in Step 1. What is the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s)? What is the evidence for this need? Question to Consider If the need for the action/service among the unduplicated student group(s) is the same as it is among all other students, then what is the basis for concluding that the Action/Service will increase or improve services for unduplicated students as compared with the services offered to all students? How, if at all, does the need for the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) differ from all other students served by Action/Service? What is the evidence for this difference in need? See previous slide Based on the first bullet the need for FY is basically the same as for all students. We need to add something that differentiates things. Hence, the second bullet. Non-foster youth also have experienced trauma and need mental health support Research and local experience indicate that Foster Youth in our LEA experience trauma a higher percentage than all other students
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 3: Describe the desired impact from the Action/Service on the outcomes for the unduplicated student group(s) selected in Step 1. What is the desired impact from the Action/Service on the unduplicated student group(s)? How will the impact be measured? Question to Consider If the desired impact from the action/service on the unduplicated student group(s) is the same as it is on all other students, then what is the basis for concluding that the Action/Service will increase or improve services for unduplicated students as compared with the services offered to all students? How, if at all, will the desired impact from the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) differ from the impact on all other students served by Action/Service? How will this difference in impact be measured? Improvements in student engagement metrics (i.e., attendance) and school climate metrics (i.e., suspensions) among foster youth What is the desired impact on foster youth See next slide
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 3: Describe the desired impact from the Action/Service on the outcomes for the unduplicated student group(s) selected in Step 1. What is the desired impact from the Action/Service on the unduplicated student group(s)? How will the impact be measured? Question to Consider If the desired impact from the action/service on the unduplicated student group(s) is the same as it is on all other students, then what is the basis for concluding that the Action/Service will increase or improve services for unduplicated students as compared with the services offered to all students? How, if at all, will the desired impact from the Action/Service among the unduplicated student group(s) differ from the impact on all other students served by Action/Service? How will this difference in impact be measured? See previous slide Based on the first bullet the desired impact for FY is basically the same as for all students served. We need to design action/service so that impact is differentiated. Hence the second bullet. We want to see improvements in student engagement metrics (i.e., attendance) and school climate metrics (i.e., suspensions) for all students served by therapist Therapist will serve mostly Foster Youth so impact will be greater
Unduplicated Student Group Focus Protocol Step 1: Select an LEA/school-wide action or service intended to increase/improve services for one or more unduplicated student groups and select for which unduplicated student group(s) the Action/Service is designed increased/improve services. Action/Service: English Learners Low Income Foster Youth Hire therapist to work with students who have experienced trauma; Foster Youth will constitute a majority of the therapist’s caseload Based on discussion, consider adding to description of action/service to capture unduplicated student focus