St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Welcome to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church God’s Work. Our Hands.
February 14 – 1st Sunday of Lent
~ANNOUNCEMENTS~ Our Lenten Wednesday Series begins this Wednesday with dinner at 6:00pm followed by our guest speaker Imam Brahim from the Masjid Saad Foundation in Sylvania speaking on the role of Islam in Western society.
There is a sign up sheet to help with the Trade Fair on the table in the lounge area. The Trade Fair is March 11-13. Please consider helping if you can.
St. Paul’s is seeking your help with visitations to our shut-ins St. Paul’s is seeking your help with visitations to our shut-ins. Please contact Linda Taylor or Jane Sondergeld if you can visit once a month. Our shut-ins need to feel connected to us and the church.
The Altar Guild meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday, Feb The Altar Guild meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday, Feb. 21 after services, in the Library.
The Christian Ed Committee is looking for donations of small clear glass jars for a craft for VBS. (i.e. pint size mason jars, no lid needed) A small pickle or dressing jar would work, but please wash and remove the label. There will be a box in the lounge where you can drop them off.
Ron Koch will offer a brief, informative presentation regarding the upcoming Monroe County Technology millage election, after church on February 28th. This will be a great time to learn what has been done and what is planned for the future, with technology millage funds.
Resurrection Polish National Catholic Church in Temperance is having a “Taste of Poland” dinner on Thursday, Feb. 18 from 5-7pm. See the bulletin board for details.
The Adult Bible Study at St The Adult Bible Study at St. Luke’s Lutheran in Temperance is hosting an inter-faith Bible Study for Lent. Everyone is invited! See the bulletin for details.
There are still a few boxes of envelopes in members’ mailboxes There are still a few boxes of envelopes in members’ mailboxes. Please try to pick those up and take them home so that they don’t need to be mailed.
Please note, any materials you’d like included in the bulletin or Power Point must be submitted to Leanne by Monday at noon so they may be reviewed by Pastor.
Homework Helpers group is offered every Tuesday for students in 3rd-8th grade. Jr. High will meet from 2:30-3:30pm, Elementary from 3:30-4:30pm.
Please help us update our church member records Please help us update our church member records! If you have changed your phone number, email, or address in the past year, please contact Leanne in the office with the updated information.