1 2 3 Items that need to be filled out on cover sheet: Completion Date Work Date, First Name, Last Name, & Hours to complete If there are task instructions associated with PM, check off each step as it is performed 2 3
If Supervisor signature is required, please make sure this is signed upon completion of PM/CILT/work order.
Checklists attached to PM/CILT/work orders should be 100% completed. Initials and dates are required as stated on forms. *If changes need to be made on checklists, please let your department manager or supervisor know and they can email me. I will then send the attachments for edits and adjustments.
If the work order is completed by a contractor or outside vendor/company….. Please have them sign the work order with the completion date. It is the department manager or supervisor’s responsibility to initial/sign the work order confirming the work was done correctly and to their standard. Examples: - Any housekeeping PMs that Jani King performs - Utility work done by outside contractors - Safety related contract work - Any PM where an outside vendor comes on-site and performs the actual maintenance If you are unsure if your department has any of these PMs/WOs, please feel free to see Lizzy Hickman and she will let you know.