Overwiew report on study visits on rearing pigs with intact tails


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Presentation transcript:

Overwiew report on study visits on rearing pigs with intact tails GOOD Practice

In 2016 experts from 14 MS went to Finland, Sweden and Switzerland There was a general consensus by the national experts that mutilations mask problems and rearing pigs with intact tails requires lowering stress in pig rearing to reduce the underlying cause; tail biting. High standards of health, environmental conditions and management are needed.

Good practices: environment and management Enrichment materials/slatted floors/slurry handling Feed and water Identify tail biters An additional benefit of a high health status is the lower use of antibiotics.

Good practices: support for farmers Funds provided by various Government welfare schemes was also important to maintain high standards.

And there's an additional benefit… High standards of health and good management in farms result in lower use of antibiotics. Important in the framework of antimicrobial resistance and human health

Germany, Denmark, France and Netherlands doing projects Ireland specific plan, five other MS relying on educational campaigns. Remaining 16 MS no concrete plans? Four MS have specific strategies (with one more planned) to reduce tail docking with a further five relying on educational campaigns. The other MS provided no concrete proposals. 

Thanks to those involved, especially to the CAs in Finland, Sweden and Switzerland who hosted the study visits 2nd point developing compliance criteria and risk assessment protocols listed in Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/336.