TUNISIA, MOROCCO and MAURITANIA Standardization of regional food composition tables in the regional cluster TUNISIA, MOROCCO and MAURITANIA Case of Morocco
Background The food composition table of Morocco contains 424 raw foods items. Updated by the addition of about 300 food items - Raw and cooked foods - Fast-food and manufactured products - updated version (724 food items)
Pilot study Step1 A bibliographic study based on surveys conducted by the Joint Unit on Nutrition and Food Research for the preparation of the list of the most consumed dishes (50 dishes) in the regions of Casablanca, Rabat and Kénitra.
Pilot study Step2 Calculation of the average recipe of each dish from three recipe books of Moroccan dishes 1- Cuisine Marocaine, author: Choumicha ; ASIN: B00J4RMY9A ; 2- 260 recettes de cuisine Marocaine, author: Ahmed Laasri ; 3- Toute la Cuisine Marocaine, author: Rachida Amhaouche
Pilot study Step 3 This step will consist of the preparation of the dishes from the average recipe. Once prepared, the dishes will be analyzed for: Trace elements (AES-MS/ICP-MS) Total fat (acid hydrolysis) Total nitrogen (Kjeldahl or infra-red).
Pilot study Step 4 The calculation of the composition of the 50 dishes in total fat, total nitrogen and trace elements from the pre-existing Moroccan’s food composition table Comparison with the results of analysis.
Progress Bibliography study From 3 regional studies: - Determination of the nutritional status of adults in Casablanca region (24h recall 3x) (600 subjects) - Salt intake in children (24h recall 3x) (227 children aged 6 to 18y) Study of physical activity in adolescents (24h recall 3x) (191 adolescents )
302 preparations zaalouk 90 consumed by at least two subjects
Progress Due to the lack of information on the frequency of the consumption of these dishes we conducted a new study to determine the frequency of the consumption of the 90 dishes per month among 200 subjects.
Progress Thus to select the 50 most consumed dishes in Kénitra-Rabat-Casablanca regions. We have multiplied the number of subject consuming the dish times the median of the frequency of the consumption for each dish per month. liste des plats
Calculation of the average recipe ingredients viande de bœuf oignon pois chiche tomate courgettes potiron pomme de terre chou carottes couscous 7 légumes R1 1.5 Kg 400g 120g 200g 250g 500g 300 g 1500 Recette grand mère 2 kg 500 g 250 g 1000 couscous 7 légumes R2 1 kg 600g 750 500 couscous 7 légumes R1
AES-MS ICP-MS GC-MS HPLC Atomic absorption
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