What do you notice? Cramming for tests is not a good study strategy. To watch Uncle Billy tell this story is an eye-opening experience. Working around the clock, the firefighters finally put out the last of the California brush fires. The pond, frozen over since early December, is now safe for ice-skating. To know her is to love her.
Verbals Gerund Participle Infinitive 2
GERUND PARITCIPLE INFINITIVE Verbal Phrase = A phrase that is centered around a verb form. This verb form is NOT used as a verb in the sentence It is used as a noun, adjective or adverb. There are 3 kinds of verbals or verbal phrases: GERUND PARITCIPLE INFINITIVE 3
Gerund What? - ing NOUN 4
Gerund / Gerund Phrase …centers around a verb form ending in -ING …is always used as a noun …is never surrounded by commas (except for appositives) Caution! -ING verb forms can also be verbs or adjectives (These are NOT gerunds.) …can be used in each of the 6 noun positions 5
Not all -ING words are Gerunds: morning evening something nothing anything everything She is driving to school today. 6
Gerund / Gerund Phrase EXAMPLES: Swimming the mile is my best event. I like swimming the mile. My best event is swimming the mile. I gave swimming the mile a try. He lectured us about swimming the mile. My best event, swimming the mile, was canceled. 7
Gerund / Gerund Phrase ANSWERS: Swimming the mile is my best event. (Subject) I like swimming the mile. (DO) My best event is swimming the mile. (PN) I gave swimming the mile a try. (IO) He lectured us about swimming the mile. (OP) My best event, swimming the mile, was canceled. (APP) 8
Gerund / Gerund Phrase patterns to look for… Subject + verb … Subject + linking verb + PN Subject + action verb + DO Subject + action verb (usu. give) + IO DO Preposition + OP S, Appositive , verb… (Other combinations are possible for this one.) 9
Participle -ing -d -ed -n -en -nt What kind? Which one? ADJECTIVE 10
Participles… are verb forms that act like adjectives. can end in –ing, -d, -ed, -n, -en, nt will come as close as they can to the noun they modify can come BEFORE or AFTER the noun it modifies 11
Participles Examples: The frowning clown fell down. (article/ adj./noun) The clown, frowning at the crowd, fell down. Frowning at the crowd, the clown fell down. 12
Participial Phrases… may fall at the beginning of the sentence. If so, it will be separated from the sentence with a comma Example: Bent by the wind, the tree finally fell over. 13
Find the participles: The fallen tree blocked the road. Mary had to replace the soiled carpet. Mike’s goal was hiking the Rockies. The running water eroded the soil. We finally got our own swimming pool. Eating jalapeno peppers can be painful. 14
Find the participles (Answers) The fallen tree blocked the road. Mary had to replace the soiled carpet. Mike’s goal was hiking the Rockies. (gerund) The running water eroded the soil. We finally got our own swimming pool. Eating jalapeno peppers can be painful. (gerund) 15
Find the participial phrases: Running quickly, the puppy caught up with the family. Seeing my family made me feel safe. Bending in the wind, the tree finally fell. The wind, whipping through the valley, did extensive damage. I saw my uncle waiting for me. 16
Find the participial phrases (Answers) Running quickly, the puppy caught up with the family. Seeing my family made me feel safe. (gerund) Bending in the wind, the tree finally fell. The wind, whipping through the valley, did extensive damage. I saw my uncle waiting for me. 17
Participle / Participial Phrase patterns to look for… participial phrase , Subject + verb… Subject, participial phrase , verb… Subject + verb +DO participial phrase Preposition + OP participial phrase Article participle Noun 18
to + verb Infinitive What? (NOUN) Which one? (ADJ.) What kind? (ADJ.) Why? (ADV.) to + verb NOUN / ADJECTIVE / ADVERB 19
Infinitive RULES: Center around TO + verb Verb is “naked” – No endings (-ing, -ed, etc.) Examples: to go, to sit, to talk, etc. Can be used as noun, adj. or adv. Caution! Do not confuse with prepositional phrases using “to” (to school, to me, to us, to them, to lunch, etc.) 20
Find the Infinitives I wanted to go to the mall today. My mom went to bed early. Your cat ate too much food today. To sleep all day is unhealthy. I want to ask you a question. 21
Find the Infinitive Phrases: I went to the pond to fish for bass. I have to go to the mall before supper. To make good grades, one must study. My goal is to make good grades. I sat with the team to give them my support. Don’t try to get out of here too fast. 22
Infinitive Phrases used as NOUNS: I want to get a car for my birthday. My goal is to get a car for my birthday. To get a car for my birthday would be wonderful. My goal, to get a car for my birthday, may never happen. Which two noun positions are not used? 23
Infinitive Phrases used as ADJECTIVES: The movie to see is Avatar. I missed the road to take to the beach. The place to see moose is Canada. I need a place to keep my book bag. Adjective infinitive phrases will come directly after a noun and modify it by answering “which?” or “what kind?.” 24
Infinitive Phrases used as ADVERBS: I went to the pond to fish. To get into Harvard, you must study. I am happy to be here. I am sad to see you go. An infinitive phrase that comes first in a sentence MAY be an adverb, but it will have a comma after it. Adverb infinitive phrases usually answer “why?” or “how?.” 25
Some famous Infinitives : “To be or not to be, that is the question.” “To know me is to love me.” “You’ve got to live a little.” “I vant to drink your bloooooood.” “I wanna hold your hand.” “I’ve only just begun to fight.” “To boldly go where no man has gone before…” (split infinitive) 26
Look for patterns… 27