If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, Kind regards, Airmyn Park Primary School, Percy Drive, Airmyn, Goole, DN14 8NZ http://www.airmynparkprimaryschool.co.uk Sherwood Class Newsletter Spring Term 1 – January 2019 Dear Parents/Guardians, Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The children will be starting a new exciting topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ where we will be learning all about space and the planets. If you have any cardboard boxes (especially large ones), please send them to help with our rocket building activities and role play. Curriculum Learning opportunities will include:- Understanding the World: ‘Outdoor Curriculum’ including learning about ice and snow, fire safety and Big Schools’ Birdwatch. The children will also learn all about space, the planets and Chinese New Year. Expressive Arts and Design: Roleplay linked to Space, making rockets/spaceships out of junk modelling, designing their own aliens, creating space pictures on computer. Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Sharing and taking turns. Becoming independent learners in the classroom. Trying new activities. Table of Treasures, Celebration Assembly and weekly Picture News (discussing topical issues). Communication and Language: Listening to stories and rhymes. Following instructions. Talk for Writing - ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Orally retelling the story, role playing parts of the story in groups and making predictions about the story Weekend News – talking about what they have been doing Table of Treasures – listening to others, talking about special objects, asking questions. Reading: Daily phonics session, linking sounds to letters – covering the sounds sh, th, ch, ng, ai, ee, or, oo/OO, oa, ar, ie, er, ou, oi, ue. Reading tricky words and CVC words e.g. sat, pig. Reading simple sentences. Writing: Beginning to write own name independently. Beginning to form some letters correctly. Writing CVC and tricky words. Physical Development: Participating in weekly gymnastics and dance sessions, daily Funky Fingers fine motor activities and Wake Up and Shake Up session. Health and self care: Learning to undress and dress independently. Healthy Eating Maths: Focusing on the numbers 6-8, the children will work on recognising numerals, counting up to 10 objects/actions, matching numerals to amounts, finding one more/ one less Practical addition and subtraction, and exploring sharing through practical activities. Naming and recognising the 2D/3D shapes through practical activities. Ordering 2 or 3 items by length, height, weight or capacity. PE Days The children will take part in indoor P.E lessons on a Tuesday and a Thursday afternoon this half term. We encourage the children to dress/undress independently so please encourage your child to do the same at home. Tapestry Please remember to check Tapestry regularly to see what your child has been doing so you can discuss their learning journey with them. Pupil Review Meetings On the 23rd and 24th January, we will be holding Pupil Review Meetings. You will have a chance to talk to staff about your child’s learning. Details to follow. Reading Some of the children have started reading simple phonics books. Please try and read with your child every night even if just for five minutes and please sign their reading record. If your child has not started reading yet, don’t worry! Continue to embed a love of reading through reading to your child a range of stories and discussing the text. Practise the sounds they have learnt so far and the key words as often as you can. Oigikhgkjhkjhkjgkgik Dates to Note 23rd & 24th Jan – Pupil Progress Meetings 3-5.30pm 30th Jan - Space Day (activities in school) 5th Feb – Chinese New Year Workshops 13th Feb – Bike Safety Assembly and Balance Bike Workshop for Sherwood (am) 15th Feb – End of Spring Term 1 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, Kind regards, Miss Bloxam and Mrs Allen