Suyash Enterprises. Welcome to Suyash Enterprises….. Presenting Latest ONLINE developments .. ….. Much beyond conventional thermal analysis ! ! …..
Suyash Enterprises. About Us….. We are active in the field for last 18 Years serving more than 1000 customers We are an ISO 9001 : 2000 company certified by BVQI for Carbon Silicon Analysers, Carbon Cups, Temperature Indicators and Temperature Tips. In House Research and Development center Recognised by Dept of science and technology, Govt. Of India.
Suyash Enterprises. Latest developments in thermal analysis with SUYASH ONLINE ANALYSER …... S. G. Iron (Ductile Iron) Mg cups. Carbon Cups. Cast Iron C.E. Cups.
FEATURES OF ONLINE ANALYSER S.G. Iron: Colour codes for different types of metals for convenience. Existing equipment can be connected to “ONLINE”. Several important points are displayed with mathematical precision to understand behavior of solidification. Job-wise parameters and target values are stored. Actual cooling curve is stored. Connectivity to spectrometer. New generation logic User-friendly system. Salient Features.
S. G. iron Mg. Cup Features with Mg Cup Nodularity Nodule count Secondary Shrinkage Solidification Mode of treated metal: Hypo eutectic, Eutectic, Hyper Eutectic or combination is detected. Detects if Carbides are present. Residual Magnesium is displayed.
Enlarged View of Mg Cup
S. G. Iron : Carbon Cup Features with Carbon cups Can analyse composition of very high CE values. Various target levels for each job could be set to alert the operator. Job, Heat / Melt number, Iron type are stored for data analysis. Job-wise charge calculation can be seen. Facility to feed composition of steel, Pig, returns etc. in order to calculate charge mix. Connectivity to spectrometer. Recommended alloy addition from the results of spectrometer/ carbon Silicon analyser is displayed.
SALIENT FEATURES CAST IRON : Online Analyser can be connected to your computer / LAN system. Job name, heat number, Iron type stored with curve for data analysis. Various target levels are set for each job to alert operator. Detects several points on cooling curve to understand behavior of solidification. The data is presentable to end customers in electronic or printed form.
Cast Iron : CE CUP Features with CE cups Prediction of microstructure (Type A, C, D /E), undercooling and recalescence tendency Eutectic Cell count Shrinkage tendency Chilling tendency
Cast Iron : CE CUP
CAST Iron : Carbon Cup Features with Carbon cups Unmatched accuracy Job-wise charge calculations. Composition of all inputs are fed to calculate charge mix. Complete Log sheet is maintained. Recommended additions are displayed after cup is poured. Micro shrinkage tendency is predicted. Hardness and Tensile strength of unalloyed cast iron. Degree of saturation (Sc) is displayed.
Storing the Jobs. Jobs could be entered into the online instrument with its composition and requirements of mechanical and metallurgical properties. Job can be selected when pouring the cup As soon as the analysis of cup is complete, values within the given range are displayed in green and out of range in red colour.
Composition of Scrap and Alloys Composition of pig, steel, 5 different types of returns can be entered for charge calculations. Recovery of alloys like carbon, silicon, Mn, tin, phosphorus etc can be entered. The cost of all elements to be added can be entered to calculate total cost of melt.
LOG SHEET In log sheet you can enter job poured, target composition , required charge mix, weight of scrap used etc. It is further used to find detailed addition calculations. Temperatures taken from tips are stored in form automatically
UNIQUE CHARGE CALCULATOR In the form if job is selected, and the amount of steel, pig and foundry returns are entered, it calculates how much additions of alloys is required. A spectrometer can be connected to Suyash ONLINE so that it can display reading obtained from spectrometer directly on shop floor along with the additions required alongwith additions requirement
Logsheet / Charge calculation form
To summarise …. Many of the problems faced by a foundryman are related with the solidification behavior. Many leading foundries are benefited with online corrections and with the stored curves for future analysis
Contact For further details at our nearest sales and service center PUNE HEAD OFFICE: Mr. Kakatkar : Mobile : 98220 60278 E-mail : Mr Kelkar : Mobile : 98220 60279 AHMEDABAD: Mr. Hambir Bhonsale. Mobile : 98251 92925 AGRA : Mr. Anand Saxena. Mobile: 05623 202851 BELGAUM : Mr. Chidambar Kulkarni. Mobile : 98452 08370 CHENNAI : Mr. Jijesh Nair. Mobile : 04435 516277 COIMBATORE : Mr. Sridhar. Mobile : 98430 99833 HYDERABAD : Mr. Jijesh Nair. Mobile : 04435 516277 JALANDHAR : Mr. Anand Saxena. Mobile : 05623 202851 KOLHAPUR : Mr. Nilesh Jadhav. Mobile : 98220 75819 KOLKATA : Mr. Nilesh Potdar. Mobile : 98311 21590 RAJKOT : Mr. Hambir Bhonsale. Mobile : 98251 92925