December 10, 2018 AHEC Board Meeting Montana AHEC Scholars December 10, 2018 AHEC Board Meeting
AHEC Scholars Program AHEC Scholars is a national program developed by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration and state AHECs (National AHEC Organization). It is a program for health professions students interested in enhancing their skills in interprofessional practice in rural or underserved settings. Co-created and co-taught by faculty and staff from across the state Open to graduate level, 2 or 4 year undergraduate, and certificate programs for any healthcare career Interprofessional/team-based community/experiential/clinical training Courses can be continuing education modules or college credit
AHEC Scholars Program Core Topic Areas: Interprofessional Education Behavioral Health Integration Social Determinants of Health Cultural Competency Practice Transformation Current and Emerging Health Issues
Requirements 2-year college program, 4 year college, or graduate program: AHEC Scholars Program duration: 2 years 40 hours of interprofessional community-based, experiential, or clinical training in rural and/or underserved area – per year 40 hours interprofessional coursework (including the six Core Topic Areas listed above) – per year
Requirements Certificate programs of 1 or less years: AHEC Scholars Program duration: 1 year 40 hours interprofessional community-based, experiential, or clinical training in rural and/or underserved area 40 hours interprofessional coursework (including the six Core Topic Areas listed above)
Didactic Options Credit courses offered AHHS 450/550 Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (offered Fall semester – face-to-face classroom) 1 credit (only available to Missoula Campus students, which includes MSU Nursing who will enroll through MSU) AHHS 491: Friday Medical Conference (offered Fall and Spring semester) 1 credit (currently available only to Missoula Campus students – we are working on making it available statewide) NEW course currently under development—offered in spring: AHHS 450/550-50 – online Interprofessional Collaborative Practice course 1 credit (available statewide)
Didactic Options Continuing Education options: Access through Moodle Learning Management System Organized by Core Topic Areas Developed by Natascha Robinson
Community of Scholars Community of Scholars Virtual Meetings using Zoom: Students attend one in each month (total of 3) January 15 at 5:00 pm or January 18 at 12:00 pm February 5 at 5:00 pm or February 8 at 12:00 pm April 2 at 5:00 pm or April 5 at 12:00 pm
Scholars Collaboration Across States South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Nevada, Oklohoma Zoom meeting in November Created Google Drive to share documents and ideas Discussed a shared platform for communicating and accessing other state’s continuing education opportunities Will do a Zoom meeting in January or February
Recruiting Process Scholars application and brochure Met with faculty in each program Some faculty emailed brochure to their students and encouraged to apply Presented Scholars Program in student classrooms/10 minutes/Left brochures and a sign-in sheet/Invited to information sessions Held 2 F2F information sessions/different times/different days Sent welcome letter to all students who applied Held 2 virtual Meet & Greets to provide additional information and a chance to meet each other
Current Enrollment: 96 Students MSU/MSUB-City College UM WWAMI Athletic Training: 2 Billings Athletic Training: 11 Missoula 12 First Year TRUST students Nursing: 20 5 ABSN: 2 Missoula, 3 Bozeman, 14 BSN: 2 Billings, 1 Kalispell, 2 Great Falls, 4 Missoula, 6 Bozeman Biochemistry: 1 1 Third Year student Communicative Sciences and Disorder: 18 Health and Human Performance: 1 Radiology Technician: 1 City College/Billings Social Work: 4 Pharmacy: 9 Physical Therapy: 16
Moodle LMS Demonstration