Open House Thursday Oct. 12th 4th Grade Bateman & Van Walker & Taylor Hayes, Cerny & Tijerina
Color Change System Students start out on Green. For every infraction/misbehavior, the student moves down a color. Infractions can include: Dress code Talking back Inappropriate behavior Failure to follow the McNeill Essentials Immediate office referral for: Bad language Bullying Fighting
Agendas Main source of communication Goes home every night Color change system marked daily Notes home to parents Homework should be written down daily It is your child’s responsibility to copy all homework, quiz & test dates, and other pertinent information in the agenda.
Homework STAAR subjects will normally have homework every night! Language (STAAR subject) - Grammar Reading (STAAR subject) Usually a reading passage with a few questions Read 20 minutes Math (STAAR subject) Spelling Review spelling words & assignments daily Science Social Studies On an as needed basis
Student Grades CLASSWORK/DAILY WORK Student grades are entered within five school days from the day the assignment is due. Login & password-see Ms. Gonzalez in the front office for this information if you do not have it yet. Grades are weighted as follows: 30% Major & 70% Minor CLASSWORK/DAILY WORK Class work/daily work counts once in the grade book. Class work/daily work includes: quizzes, daily class work (completed in school), STAAR practice (stamina), and other assignments completed in school. Students may grade or check their own work. They may not grade the work of other students.
Tests Advance notice will be given in regards to any upcoming major assessments. Be sure to check the grade level websites frequently and your child’s agenda to stay informed of things to come. A teacher shall provide one reasonable opportunity to re-teach and reassess failure to master the TEKS/curriculum for each test grade. The highest possible grade that can be earned and recorded on a reassessment is a 70. The following assessments are NOT subject to reassessment guidelines: Student Projects and Compositions
Late Work Policy Class work will be accepted late within the current grading period. The guidelines are: One (1) day late work = 0 points off. Two (2) days late work = 10 points off. Three (3) or more days late work = highest grade possible 70. Work not received within the grading period will result in a zero. P.45
STAAR State Assessment 4th Graders will participate in the following STAAR assessments: Writing April 10th Math May 14th Reading May 15th STAAR assessments are designed to be more rigorous and challenging.
Parent/Teacher Interaction Remind- Text Message/Email App will send text and/or email messages about homework and upcoming events Please take information sheet or brochure to sign up for Remind for your student’s teachers Email Please title the subject line with your child’s name Give your child’s teacher at least 24-48 hours to respond Please check that your Skyward email is up-to-date Conferences Schedule a week ahead of time 4th Grade Team Conference times are from 8:30-9:20 am
Any Questions?