How To Work In Small Groups
Your role as the leader To have each child feel as though he/she has contributed something special To follow teacher directive To keep children focused To handle disruptions effectively To allow children to ask their questions and have them answered To make learning fun
Rules in Small Groups Rules are very important Discuss them early on and enforce them throughout Listen to others Raise your hand to speak Stay in your seat Hands and feet to yourself Everyone has a turn We go around the circle to take turns speaking
Classroom Specifics Please be on time and ready to teach. Instructions are out in the morning, so please look them over first thing Don’t leave your group unless instructed to Please DO come to me with any discipline problems, or tell me after When my directions are not clear, please ask me what to do. Please make sure you have everything needed for the rotations Use a quiet voice!
Reading Groups We have 4 different reading groups Monday is usually whole group instruction Tues – Fri I meet with 2 groups each day while TP’s work with other groups
Reading Groups Teaching Parents 1 person will be at the horseshoe table or in the Science Lab. Each group works with you for 30 minutes 1 person will be monitoring other kids at desks doing journal writing and workbook pages There will always be instructions for what they do if they finish early Please be sure you look at the directions as they are specific per different reading groups Kids who finish early will read or do RAZ Kids.
Shh, Don’t Tell the Answer You are working as a facilitator to guide the instruction and learning process. Please help the children to discover the answer on their own. You may give helpful clues.
What To Look For in Journal Writing We write a lot in 1st grade! While we are writing it is very important that you are up and walking around the room. You should always give reminders to students about finger spacing, capital letters, and punctuation.
Spelling Do not tell children how to spell every word! Invented spelling is a part of 1st grade. Children have a dictionary that they can use if they really want to know how to spell a word. Every high frequency word taught must be spelled correctly – they are posted on the word wall if a child forgets.
Spelling If you do help with a word then the child must have his/her dictionary out and write the word in the correct spot. Encourage children to write first and then have you come over to help them with spelling.
How much to write In journals, we start with one required sentence in September and add one more each month until we get to seven. Each child will be writing at a different pace. Some will need to write more or less than what’s required. Overall, quality sentences are better than quantity.
Super-Star Sentences A super star sentence is an extended sentence. Regular: I like to play. Super Star I love playing outside with my sister. It adds: who, what, where, when, why, or how.
Let’s try not to use these words! Like Nice Good
Phonics & Skill Based Worksheets (Reading and Math) Go over the directions together. Please always make sure their names are on the paper. If you have time, correct work before kids leave your group and have them take it home. If you can’t correct it, finished work should go in the finished work tray. Unfinished work will always go in the unfinished work folder, which is inside their desk.
I’m Finished With My Seatwork…Now What?? In the Morning, Children May: Do unfinished work first! Then… Read a book Write a letter Work on “extra credit” packets Even if kids in your group are working on something else, they are still under your supervision!
In the Afternoon Children May: I’m Finished….Now What?? In the Afternoon Children May: Do unfinished work first! Then… Same options as in the morning, PLUS… Free Time!