The Real Number System Tuesday, July 11
Objectives and Agenda Explain the sets of Numbers in the real number system Classify numbers into real number sets Number freak Jigsaw activity Venn diagram Direct instruction – important terms/concepts Classifying numbers activity Exit slip
Excerpt from number freak 16
Jigsaw activity Directions: You will be divided into six groups to become experts on one of the sets of numbers in the real number system. Use any of the three texts or research to define your number set. Prepare how you will present it. Move to a mixed group where you will be teaching your number set to a group.
Jigsaw groups (Mixed Groups) Natural Numbers Whole Numbers Integers Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers Real Numbers 1 2 3 4
Venn diagram We will make a Venn diagram of the number sets together
Important terms/concepts Percent Opposite Absolute value Dividing by zero Percent – Every rational number can be represented as a percent. Middle school students study percents after understanding fractions. Out of 100. Give examples. 53/100 = 0.53 = 53% 0.5/100 = 0.005 = 0.5% Opposite – Additive Inverse - one of a pair of numbers whose sum is zero; the opppsite or additive inverse of -5 is +5 Absolute Value – Distance from 0 on a number line. |8| = 8 |-8| = 8 Dividing by Zero – Undefined answer. 6 ÷ 0 = undefined because 0 • 0 ≠ 6
activity Each group (1st Jigsaw group) will receive a number to place on the class venn diagram. Write a number freak description of your number explaining in which sets the number belongs. Add any fascinating facts you wish about your number. Tell me all you can about your number.
Presentations of numbers
Exit slip Tell me about a time when you were thinking like a mathematician today.