Effects Of Bedside Interdisciplinary Team Rounds Ashley Moody, RN Fort Hays State University, Department of Nursing Introduction The bedside interdisciplinary process “…requires clear communication and collaboration among multiple health care team members, patients, and their family members (Wrobleski, Joswiak, Dunn, Maxson, & Holland, 2014).With a successful process in place, patients and family members are the central focus of care and allows them to engage freely with members of the healthcare team. This process also allows the patients/families to form a therapeutic rapport with the providers and encourages them to “…identify his or her needs and treatment goals, choose treatment options, monitor symptoms, and evaluate and revise therapies” (Wrobleski, Joswiak, Dunn, Maxson, & Holland, 2014). All of these things ultimately promote active participation in the plan of care from the patients/families. Research Question In acute adult impatient units, what is the effect of completing bedside interdisciplinary team rounds with patients and/or families present compared with not completing beside interdisciplinary team rounds with patients and/or families present? Purpose The purpose of this systematic review is to show that it is essential to complete bedside interdisciplinary team rounds in every acute care setting. Incorporating rounds are a key component for safe and effective delivery of patient care (Urisman, Garcia, & Harris, 2018) Methods A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the effects of completing bedside interdisciplinary team rounds with patients and/or families present. This review utilized five articles which were published between the years 2014 and 2018. According to Cody, Sullivan-Bolvai, and Reid-Ponte, the inclusion criteria consisted of family members of patients residing in the ICU (2018). In order to proceed with the study, the patients had to have transferred out of the ICU. Family members must be eighteen years or older as well. The study described by Cao, Tan, Horn, Bland, Giri, Maken, and Cho inclusion criteria was simply limited to patients residing in the ICU during the study (2018). In summary, each study ultimately determined rounds were imperative to providing safe and comprehensive care. Results “Most families that participated found the process to be helpful” (Cody, Sullivan-Bolyai, & Reid-Ponte, 2018). In addition, studies determined that interdisciplinary bedside rounds actually increased satisfaction for patients, families, as well as providers. Rounds encouraged consistent teaching as well. These statements were noted in several of the articles. In fact, a study completed revealed failed to incorporate rounds on a routine basis can actually lead to “Lack of collaboration and communication” which can “…lead to medical errors, increased length of stay, and diminished patient satisfaction” Ryan, Scott, & Fields, 2017) Implications for Nursing Completing bedside interdisciplinary rounds allow the health care team to answer specific questions, hear current concerns regarding care, update family/patients regarding plan of care, explain procedures in depth, etc. “Providing one on one explanation with family members and/or patients can increase understanding regarding information allowing family members/patients to make educated decisions regarding their care potentially eliminating unnecessary tests and even reduce length of stay” (Cody, Sullivan-Bolvai, Reid-Ponte, 2018). Most importantly beside reporting opens the line of communications between the healthcare team and the patient/family allowing a therapeutic relationship to form. In addition, rounds are a key component for safe and effective delivery of patient care between shifts and various healthcare members (Urisman, Garcia, & Harris, 2018) References Cody, S. E., Sullivan-Bolyai, S., & Reid-Ponte, P. (2018). Making a Connection: Family Experiences With Bedside Rounds in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse, 38(3), 18-26. Doi: 10.4037/ccn2018128 Wrobleski, D. S., Joswiak, M. E., Dunn, D. F., Maxson, P. M., & Holland, D. E. (2014). Discharge Planning Rounds to the Bedside: A Patient- and Family- Centered Approach. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(2), 111-116. Urisman, T., Garcia, A., & Harris, H. W. (2018). Impact of surgical intensive care unit interdisciplinary rounds on interprofessional collaboration and quality of care: Mixed qualitative–quantitative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 44, 18-23. doi:10.1016/j.iccn.2017.07.001 Cao, V., Tan, L. D., Horn, F., Bland, D., Giri, P., Maken, K., & ... Cho, N. (2018). Patient-Centered Structured Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds in the Medical ICU. Critical Care Medicine, 46(1), 85-92. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000002807 Ryan, L., Scott, S., & Fields, W. (2017). Implementation of Interdisciplinary Rapid Rounds in Observation Units. Journal Of Nursing Care Quality, 32(4), 348-353. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000250 Conceptual Framework Hildegard Peplau nursing framework is relevant to this research. Peplau’s concepts are geared toward interpersonal relationships and defines nursing as an “…interpersonal process that functions cooperatively with others to make health possible and involves problem solving” (Ryan, Scott, & Fields, 2017) Interdisciplinary Rounds Benefits Consistent Teaching Assists with continuity of care Ability to answer questions Increased patient/family satisification