Learning and Teaching Scotland HIGHER PHYSICAL EDUCATION


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Presentation transcript:

Learning and Teaching Scotland HIGHER PHYSICAL EDUCATION The slides contained in this file support the content knowledge for Performance Appreciation – Key Concept 4: Principles and methods of training. Possible use may include: revision of practical/class theory work independent learning exam preparation.

Performance Appreciation There are five KEY CONCEPTS (KCs; specific knowledge areas) in the Performance Appreciation analysis area. This knowledge will help you to understand about your whole performance requirements for effective performances. Your class teacher will select the number of KCs that you need to study to pass your examination in June. These slides focus on KC4. The information covers a range of facts that will develop your understanding and help you to revise for your examination. Area 1 PERFORMANCE APPRECIATION Overall nature and demands of quality performance. Technical, physical, personal and special qualities of performance. Mental factors influencing performance. Use of appropriate model performers. Planning and managing personal performance improvement. 1st paragraph appears This slide informs you of the key concept knowledge your teacher may select to cover during your Higher course theory. On click Diagram appears showing the key concepts of the analysis area of Performance Appreciation. There are five key concepts in this analysis area. The emphasis will be on Key Concept 4: The use of appropriate models of performers. As you work through each slide you will be able to interact with the content. The facts contained in these slides will support your understanding of one of the major key concepts. Remember: key concepts simply refer to the knowledge that will be tested in your examination in June. At the end of the file there are revision notes which summarise these slides. There is also an opportunity for you to attempt an exam question and then compare your answer to a completed exemplar. This will support your revision.

Model performers Model performers have to be talented, highly skilled, physically fit and mentally tough in order to efficiently sustain the required energy demands and challenges of the activity. In the main model performers are used for the widest form of feedback. This feedback (extrinsic) can be offered in a variety of ways and can help you improve all aspects of your performance: fitness, skill and application of strategy/composition. On click – 1st text box appears Think about some of the specific examples from activities covered in your course. Which of your fellow classmates may be considered the class model performer (it may even be you)? Why? If you study Performance Appreciation – Key Concept 2: Technical, physical, personal and special qualities of performance and/or Skills and Techniques – Key Concept 1: The concept of skill and skilled performance, you are likely to study similar types of information. In this respect you are learning to link your knowledge. On click – 2nd text box appears The main benefit to using models of performance is feedback. It is important to note that more than one type of feedback could be used, for example whilst the model performer demonstrates, they can also give you instructions, and a video may be used to capture your performance at the same time. The example you offer will depend on your course structure. For exam purposes The competency examined is critical thinking. You can be asked about acquired knowledge, for example ‘Explain the purpose of a model performer‘ or you can be asked to demonstrate applied knowledge, for example ‘Explain how model performers have helped you to be more effective in your own performance’. Think about this. Do you perform better in one activity compared to another? Have you been a model performer? If so what did you do to help others?

Model performer influences Model performers enable you to compare your performance. They can exist at different levels of ability. Elite performers: athletes you admire Your peers: someone in your class, team or club All model performers: exhibit a wide repertoire of skills select and apply the right skill or technique at the correct time display high levels of fitness produce fluent and effortless performances remain calm and in control when under pressure On click – callout 1 Think about, for example ‘What model performers do you admire and why?’ and ‘Do you think that individual performers are under more pressure than team players and why? On click – callout 2 Most probably you will admire athletes from your favourite activity, be influenced by the media coverage and aspire to be like them. Think about why you really admire this person(s). On click This criteria of a model performer summarises many of the qualities that we would love to posses as a good sportsperson. Are there any other qualities you could add to this list?

Click on video link. Lots to think about here. Use your observational skills and evaluate this performance. Do you see many of the qualities listed in the criteria highlighted on the slide? For exam purposes The question set will test your critical thinking, for example ‘Explain how model performers have helped you to design your training to ensure success’.

Model performer benefits Extrinsic feedback qualitative, quantitive, diagnostic in nature This basically refers to the different sources that can be used Help you identify strengths and weaknesses They can provide challenge in your practice / training/ competition Inspire you to copy ideas and techniques, and apply them to strategy or composition You may be able to think of other ideas They inspire higher levels of achievement Encourage comparative analysis On click – text box appears Qualitative feedback refers to comments that you make in terms of how good the performance looks, for example this gymnast is showing high degrees of control in her balance, she has great flexibility and looks in great control. Quantitative feedback refers to the number of skills performed, for example this is the gymnast’s second balance and in her routine she completes five other complex balances. Diagnostic feedback refers to comments that can affect change, for example it would be better if you could hold your leg high without the need to hold onto it. It is important to note that more than one type of feedback (qualitative/ diagnostic) can be used, for example whilst the model performer demonstrates they can also give you instructions or sit with you as you watch a video. Good point to emphasis that feedback correlates to personal characteristics, for example the ability to give and receive feedback is linked to prior experiences and stages of learning. Think about your practical Higher sessions prior learning experiences. Think about all the different sources you may use to achieve success. Do you rely on model performers for more than one focus on your performance? Do you prefer one type of model performer feedback to another, for example only verbal or only demonstration? In terms of your personality which type of feedback makes the most impact on you? You may also hear about model performers if you study Skills and Techniques – Key Concept 3: Stages of learning and factors affecting performance and/or Preparation of the Body – Key Concept 4: Methods of training. Can show you examples of good sportsmanship and conduct Can increase your confidence, motivation and determination Can help you to design, plan and set practice, targets and training

Model performer benefits Regardless of how you decide to use model performers their importance will be linked to your understanding of the need to: identify your performance strengths and weaknesses collect reliable information to evaluate progress by various data methods ensure realistic targets are set and met during/after training – monitoring and review practice/train using relevant methods.   On click – first sentence of text box appears On click – bullet 1 On click – bullet 2 On click – bullet 3 On click – bullet 4 Your teacher will take you through this process when you are working practically. You will get to know this as a ‘cycle of analysis’. This information will be covered when you collect data on your own performance’s strengths and weaknesses. You will then evaluate your performance as you plan, train and/or practice. Think about your own personality. Are you the type of person who is happy to receive comments from others? Do you concentrate and are you motivated to do as asked? Do you give up and do your own thing? For exam purposes You need to be able to tell the examiner what is important about studying model performers and how you use them to make your performance more effective. As you can see there are many different ways to use model performers therefore you should relate to what has worked for you. Remember To make best use of model performers you need to: be motivated to learn, copy and mimic concentrate on what advice is being given and act on it.

Model performer revision Model performers exist at different performance levels As you work to improve your performance model performers can show you how to improve. It may be that a student in your class is able to play in a way that provides you with ideas about how you can improve OR you could watch a video of top performers to get inspiration, or copy or mimic their ideas or style. Model performers can show you how to perform some skills and techniques that are difficult to execute In badminton some skills and techniques are difficult to carry out effectively, for example a backhand clear. If you watch a good performer playing the shot, ideally from a slow motion video, then you can pick up cues about how to play the shot at different stages of its preparation, action and recovery. Model performers can help motivate you to keep trying to improve Watching able performers can make performance look exciting and keep you interested in trying to improve. When watching better badminton players you can see a wide range of skills in action. This can make you motivated to work towards performing at their level (ie working towards making your performance more automatic). On click Here are revision notes about the content covered on model performers. This can be printed to support your exam revision.

Model performer revision Model performers: can provide qualitative and diagnostic feedback about your performance (physically, verbally, or visually) enable you to copy or imitate motor skills and strategies or design ideas enable you to compare your performance to theirs can influence your personal style can give you confidence, especially when the task is difficult or dangerous.   To use model performers successfully the learner must: pay attention be motivated to learn recognise instructional/visual cues, eg ‘Watch how this player’s snaps follow fast downwards when playing the smash’. On click Reveal of related information. Revision notes about the content covered on model performers continued. This can be printed to support individual learning and exam preparation.

Model performer Exam question Make sure you read the revision notes before attempting this exam question. Read your notes again before attempting this exam question. Make sure you note the command word ‘describe’. This means you need to give the examiner a full detailed account. Also remember to note the mark allocation. This gives you an idea about the number of points you need to include in your answer to achieve full marks. Once you have completed your answer you will be able to compare its detail and depth to that of a completed exemplar. Describe the qualities of a model performer. 4 marks.

Models of performance Completed answer Describe the qualities of a model performer. Look carefully at the content of this answer then compare it to your own. This answer got full marks (4 out of 4). In tennis, I regard a model performer as possessing a wide range of technical, physical, personal and special qualities. I know that a model performer can use a wide range of technical skills. Often these techniques are played well on both the forehand and backhand sides – this allows play from a variety of different angles. Model performers are able to consistently execute these skills with control, accuracy and precision, and look as though they have plenty of time to play the shots. Their placement of shots is nearly always appropriate in response to their opponent’s return. Model performers will have physical qualities: cardiorespiratory endurance to enable them to cope with long tiring rallies, speed to enable them to cover both wide and deep baseline and returns, muscular endurance, especially in the legs as they have to constantly keep their centre of gravity low when playing throughout the match, and an excellent range of flexibility to reach shots often played close to court lines/net. I believe they have good reaction speed and concentration as the rallies happen at lightening speed. I think that they demonstrate total control of their emotions and are ready to capitalise on mistakes made by opponents. I also think that they show good sportsmanship and respect for their opponent. Finally, I think that there will be special qualities shown, for example an ability to change the tempo of the game or disguise intent to create winning shots or serve a second service sliced wide. On click Reveal content of completed exemplar. Your answer may differ in content, for example you might have talked more about one type of feedback in detail or used a different format. The important thing here is to compare the content of what you perceive the qualities of a model performer to be to this candidate’s. Note the quality of statements included. Note how this candidate offered detail and examples to support their answer.