MYOB PREMIER V.13 Intermediate


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Presentation transcript:


1. Create a new company file 2. Setup the company data file

Current Financial Year : Number of Accounting period: Accounting Information Current Financial Year : 2011 Last Month: DECEMBER Conversion Month : JANUARY Number of Accounting period: THIRTEEN

Accounts List “AQUARIUS, PT”. The business is Bookstore, whosaler such book, magazine and stationary

New Company File Asistant

SETUP PREFERENCES Preferences - System Tick the option for “I Deal Multiple Currencies (System-Wide)” Tick the option for “Warn if Jobs Are Not Assigned to All Transaction [ System- Wide] “ Preferences - System

Tick the option for: “Warn for Duplicate Invoices Numbers on Recorded Sales” Preferences – Sales

Tick the option for: “Warn for Purchase Orders Numbers on Recorded Purchases “ Preferences – Purchases

LIST - CURRENCY Currency Code Currency Name Exchange Currency Symbol IDR Rupiah 1.000000 Rp SGD Sin Dollar 5000.000000 S$

LIST - ACCOUNT Hapus akun-akun berikut: 1-2120 Payroll Cheque Account 1-2130 Cash Drawer 1-2210 Less Prov’n for Doubtful Debts klik dua kali pada akun tsb. Kemudian pilih edit, delete account.

pilih akun yang akan dirubah. Kemudian edit. Ubah akun-akun berikut:   1-2110 Cheque Account, menjadi Cash(IDR) 1-2140 Petty Cash, menjadi 1-2120 1-2160 Undeposited Fund menjadi 1-2180 1-2200 Trade Debtors, menjadi Trade Debtors (IDR) 2-2200 Trade Creditors, menjadi Trade Creditors (IDR) pilih akun yang akan dirubah. Kemudian edit.

Klik new, pilih type akunnya, isi account number dan account name. Ok. Membuat akun baru 1-2130 Bank (IDR) type bank dan detail, level 4 1-2140 Cash (SGD) type bank dan detail, level 4 1-2141 Cash (SGD) Exchange type bank dan detail, level 4 1-2150 Bank (SGD) type bank dan detail, level 4 1-2151 Bank (SGD) Exchange type bank dan detail, level 4 1-2210 Trade Debtors (SGD) type Accounts Receivable dan detail, level 3 1-2211 Trade Debtors (SGD) Exchange type Accounts Receivable dan detail, level 3 2-2220 Trade Creditors (SGD) type Accounts Payable dan detail, level 3 2-2221 Trade Creditors (SGD) Exchange type Accounts Payable dan detail, level 3 2-2340 GST Clearing type Other Liability dan detail , level 4 8-2000 Forex Gain (Loss) type Other Income dan header , level 2 8-2100 Realised Gain (Loss) Forex type Other Income dan detail , level 3 8-2200 Unrealised Gain (Los) Forex type Other Income dan detail , level 3 Klik new, pilih type akunnya, isi account number dan account name. Ok.

Klik new, pilih type akunnya, isi account number dan account name. Ok.

*Untuk akun yang berakhiran exchange tidak perlu dibuat karena akan muncul otomatis setelah kita membuat akun awalnya. Contoh: New, account type ‘bank”, account number “1-2140”, account name “Cash (SGD)” setelah itu ubah pada menu profile di atas menjadi details. Kemudian ubah currency menjadi “SGD”, lalu ok maka akan muncul 2 akun yaitu Cash (SGD) dan Cash (SGD) Exchange.

SETUP – LINK ACCOUNT Ubah “Account for currency Gain/Losses” 4-9999 menjadi 8-2100

2 Pada primary account ubah menjadi 8-2100, lalu pada secondary account ubah menjadi 4-9999. Klik combine account, ok. 1 kembali ke list account lalu pilih account 4-9999, pilih combine account.

LIST – TAX CODE hapus semua kode pajak kecuali N-T. Caranya klik kanan pada kode pajak lalu delete tax code.

Membuat Kode Pajak baru Setup the tax code as GST (Goods and Services Tax), Tax Type: Goods and Services Tax, Rate: 10%.

LIST – JOB Klik new, masukkan job number= BS, job name= Book Sales, ok. Klik new, masukkan job number=MS, job name= Magazines Sales, ok. Klik new, masukan job number = SS, job name = Stationary Sales, ok.

LIST – CATEGORIES KLIK NEW Category ID= CM, Category name= “ Century Mall” category ID= MP, Category name= “Millenium Plaza”

LIST – CURRENCIES Pilih Sin dollar kemudian klik dua kali payable accounts. Pada “ Liability account for tracking payables in this currency” pilih 2-2220, pada “bank account for paying bill in this currency” pilih 1-2150, ok. Receivable accounts, pada “asset account for tracking receivable in this currency” pilih 1-2210, pada “bank account for customer receipts in this currency’ pilih 1-2150, ok.

LIST -> COSTUM LIST & FIELD NAMES -> PRICE LEVELS. Ubah level A menjadi IDR dan ubah level B menjadi SGD, ok.

LIST – ITEMS Klik NEW untuk input item

Item no.BK; selling price IDR: Rp 100.000; SGD: S$20: N-T) Linked Account for I Buy as: Book Purchases, I Sell as: Book Sales, I Inventory as: Books.

LIST - CARDS Customer name= “ALEXA STORE “ dengan currency IDR. name= “GRAHA BOOKSTORE” dengan currency SGD. Supplier name= “BEAR BOOKSTORE” dengan currency IDR. name= “GRAMITA ” dengan currency SGD.

ACCOUNT OPENING BALANCES SETUP – BALANCES – ACCOUNT OPENING BALANCES Masukan saldo awal dari tiap akun   *amount left to be allocated harus Rp 0.00


Isi sesuai data di modul untuk customer ALEXA STORE

SETUP - BALANCES – SUPPLIER BALANCES. Isi sesuai data di modul untuk supplier Bear Bookstore

INVENTORY – Adjust Inventory Isi keterangan untuk masing-masing inventory

Purchase Enter Purchase Bill Tanggal 2 Jan 2011 A purchase was raised to purchase the following inventory item from main supplier, GRAMITA ,on net 15th days credit terms. Not all the goods and bill was received. (PO#: P-11001, Supplier inv#: GMS-110001) Received 30 units of Books for S$18 (Exclude 10% GST) each, with backorder 50 units of books. Received 50 units of Magazines for S$12 ( Exclude 10% GST) each, with backorder 30 unit of Magazines. Received 50 units of Stationery for S$ 1.6 ( Exclude 10% GST) each, with backorder 20 units of Stationery [Category: CM] [Rate: 1S$=5.200] Purchase Enter Purchase Bill

Tanggal 3 Jan 2011 Raised purchase to BEAR BOOKSTORE for Advertising Expenses Rp.2.200.000 (inc 10% GST ) on cash term. Bill was received (PO#: P-110002, Supplier Inv#: GRS-110001) [ Category : MP] Full Payment to BEAR BOOKSTORE using cash (IDR) for total Rp.3.850.000 for bill on 31 Des 2010, amount paid is Rp.1.650.000 and bill on 3 Jan 2011, amount paid is Rp.2.200.000 (Cheque no. D-110001). Purchase Enter Purchase Bill

Full Payment to BEAR BOOKSTORE using cash (IDR) for total Rp. 3. 850 Full Payment to BEAR BOOKSTORE using cash (IDR) for total Rp.3.850.000 for bill on 31 Des 2010, amount paid is Rp.1.650.000 and bill on 3 Jan 2011, amount paid is Rp.2.200.000 (Cheque no. D-110001). Purchases Pay Bills

Tanggal 4 Jan 2011 Return 5 unit of Stationary (ST) @S$1.6 (exclude 10% GST) to GRAMITA (PO#: P-110003, Supplier Inv#: GMS-110001). Edit journal memo “ Purchase Return; GRAMITA”. Immediately applied the Debit Note to Trade Creditor balance for GRAMITA [ ID#: P-110003] for bill on 2 Jan 2011 transaction. [ Category: CM] [Rate 1S$: Rp. 5000] Purchase Enter Purchase

Immediately applied the Debit Note to Trade Creditor balance for GRAMITA [ ID#: P-110003] for bill on 2 Jan 2011 transaction. [ Category: CM] [Rate 1S$: Rp. 5000] Purchase Purchase Register Return and Debits

Tanggal 6 Jan 2011 Sold the following items to GRAHA BOOKSTORE on Net 30 days terms (Inv#: S-110001, Cust PO#: GBP-110001). All the goods and invoice was delivered: Ship 50 units of Book(BK) for S$22 (Include 10% GST) each [Job: BS] Ship 50 units of Magazine (MG) for S$16,5 (Include 10% GST) each [Job: MS] Ship 45 units of Stationery (ST) for S$2,2 (Include 10% GST) each [Job: SS] [Salesperson: Ashley], [Category: CM], [Rate: 1S$= Rp 5.500]. Sales Enter Sales Invoice

Tanggal 7 Jan 2011 Sold the following items to ALEXA STORE on Net 10 days terms (Inv#: S-110002, Cust PO#: PBP-110001). All the goods and invoice was delivered: Ship 30 units of Book(BK) for Rp. 110.000 (Include 10% GST) each [Job: BK] Ship 50 units of Stationary (ST) for Rp. 11.000 (Include 10% GST) each [Job: SS] [Salesperson: Johnny ], [Category: MP] .

Tanggal 8 Jan 2011 Partially payment of S$ 100 from GRAHA BOOKSTORE was received for bill on 6 Jan 2011 and deposit to Bank (SGD) , [ ID# : R-110001], [ Rate: 1 S$= Rp. 5,250] Sales Receive payments

Tanggal 9 Jan 2011 Issued S$10 Rebate Credit Notes to GRAHA BOOKSTORE [INV#: S-110003], Cust PO#: GBP-110001] as Discount Given rebate and edit Journal Memo with “Sale Discount: GRAHA BOOKSHOP”. [ Salesperson: Ashley], [Category: CM], [ Rate: 1S$= Rp. 5,200]. Immediately Pay Refund [ Cheque No: D-110002] for the S$10 Sales Rebate to GRAHA BOOKSTORE from the Bank (SGD), [Rate: 1S$= Rp. 5200]. Sales Sales Register Return and Credits

Tanggal 10 Jan 2011 Using Spend Money [cheque No : D-110003] , to record expenses from Petty Cash for Rp.500.000: Telephone : Rp. 400.000 Water : Rp. 100.000 [ Category : CM ] Use Receive Money [ ID#: R-110002] to record: Deposit S$10 to Bank (SGD), for S$10.5 Bank Interest Income and S$0.5 Bank Charges [ Category : CM], [Rate: 1 S$= Rp. 5,000] . Banking Spend Money

Use Receive Money [ ID#: R-110002] to record: Deposit S$10 to Bank (SGD), for S$10.5 Bank Interest Income and S$0.5 Bank Charges [ Category : CM], [Rate: 1 S$= Rp. 5,000] . Banking Receive Money

Perform Bank Reconciliation for the month of January 2011 for Bank (SGD) account. The bank statement shows a balance of S$2100 on 31 Jan 2011. Banking Reconcile accounts

monthly, starting date on = 1/31/2011 In addition to the transaction above, prepare a journal entry to record the depreciation for 31 Jan 2011, for the following asset categories [GJ#: G-110001][Category: CM]: Store Equipment Rp 25.000 Save as Monthly Recurring Transaction for those journal then Use the Recurring and record depreciation journal for Feb 2011 [GJ#: G-110003] [Category: CM]. Accounts Record journal entry monthly, starting date on = 1/31/2011

Prepare a journal entry to record the GST Clearing on 31 Jan 2011 for Dec 2010 [GJ#: G-118002] [Category: AM]

Setelah muncul laporannya, lalu kita lihat GST collected dan GST paid nya, kita lihat jumlah balance nya. Kemudian input dalam jurnal

Adjust Inventory to record Inventory Found for Unit Cost Unknown [IJ#: I-110002] for 3 Units of Stationary (ST) [Job: SS] [Category: CM]. Inventory Adjust Inventory

ubah Exchange Rate SGD menjadi 5800 Update the Exchange Rate on end of Jan 2011 [1S$= Rp 5.800] and then prepare a journal entry to record Realised Gains (Losses) [GJ#: G-110002] and Unrealised Gains (Losses) [GJ#: G-110003] on 31 Jan 2011 and reverse journal for Unrealised Gains (Losses) [GJ#: G-110005] on begining of February 2011 [Category: CM]. List -> currencies ubah Exchange Rate SGD menjadi 5800 Report -> Accounts -> Currency klik Unrealised Gain/Loss, Ubah As of menjadi 1/31/2011, klik Display maka akan muncul Report Display NEXT

Accounts Record Journal Entry

Accounts Record Journal Entry

beri tanda check list pada Transaction CAN’T be Change Setup Preferences Security beri tanda check list pada Transaction CAN’T be Change

Accounts Transaction Journal Pilih transaksi Unrealised Gain (Loss) Edit, Reverse General Journal Transaction Ubah GJ# = G-118005, Date = 01/02/2011 Record

Generate the following financial reports: Profit & Loss statement for the month ending 31 for of Januari 2011. Balance Sheet as at 31 Januari 2011 The following reports from 1 to Januari 2011 General Journal Bank Reconciliation Report Sales & Receivables Journal Purchases & Payable Journal Item Register (detail) Cash Receipts Journal Cash Disbursement Journal Reports Pilih laporan Display Send to PDF

Setup Preferences Security From Security Preference, activate the option for “Use Audit Trail Tracking “, then Lock the Accounting period for 31 Jan 2011 Setup Preferences Security NEXT

BACKUP your MYOB company data file (ONLY), Check Company File for Error and Save the MYOB company data backup file name as Your name in Backup Folder. File Back Up

From Company Data Auditor – Transaction Review for 1 Jan 2011 to 31 Jan 2011, there is a “?” mark for Scan for Future Dated Transaction. Display it & Sent to PDF the reports. And then delete those Future Dated Transaction journal.

Set start date and End date Transaction Review Set start date and End date Klik ‘Display’ on ‘Scan for future dated transactions’

Delete all transactions on 4 Jan 2011 Delete all transaction on 4 Jan 2011 Setup Preferences Untick ‘Lock Period’ Delete all transactions on 4 Jan 2011 Accounts Transaction Journal

Standard Balance Sheet Modify to Microsoft Excel the Standard Balance Sheet reports in T Format Reports Standard Balance Sheet Send to Excel Edit