Seek first to understand, then to be understood Habit 5
Bell Ringer: Think Win-Win Answer the questions below in your journal. Think about your general attitude toward life. Is it based on Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose, or Win-Win thinking? How is the attitude affecting you?
Review Habit 1 Habit 2 Habit 3 Habit 4 Habit 5 Be Proactive Begin With The End In Mind Habit 3 Put First Things First Habit 4 Think Win-Win Habit 5 Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood Definition: See things from another’s point of view before sharing your own; listen before you talk. Listen first, talk second Deepest need of the human heart is to be understood Try to understand instead of judging
5 Levels of Listening
Listening Game Any questions? Stand up and get into a big circle around the room. You should be close enough to your neighbor that you can pass something to them without dropping it or throwing it. I will give each of you a token. While I read the story, listen carefully. When I say “right”, you will pass your token to the person on your right. When I say “left”, you will pass your token to the person on your left. Any questions?
Class Assignment Write all you can remember about the story? Did other people affect your ability to keep up with the activity? How hard was it to listen and pass the objects at the same time? What are some real-life situations that may be similar to this activity? What made it difficult to remember the story during the activity? How could this activity apply to your relationships with others?