KS4 International Human Rights Learning Objective: To understand that lesbian and gay people have different rights around the world.
What rights do lesbian and gay people have in the UK? legally recognised relationships through civil partnerships right to live a life free from discrimination in goods and services (so a hotel can’t refuse to let a gay couple have a double room) protection from hate crime adopt together, and to have both parents named on a child’s birth certificate to do any job they want, and to not be refused a job or treated unfairly because they are lesbian or gay
Do lesbian and gay people have these rights in other countries? We are going to work in groups to give a short presentation. You will be given some information on the rights of lesbian and gay people in a different country. Work together to find the most important pieces of information for your presentation. Make sure that you don’t just read aloud all the information, but make your presentation informative and interesting for the whole group.
Think about… Nominating a few people from your group to speak during the presentation. The key points you need to communicate. Giving your own opinion on the information you have been given (but remember it is a group presentation so if people have differing views these must be represented Make sure your presentation is no longer than 5 minutes.
Is it fair that lesbian and gay people have so few rights in some other countries? In recent years the UK government has become increasingly involved in lobbying for the rights of lesbian and gay people in other countries. We are now going to have a discussion about this.
Discussion ‘Should the UK government lobby for the rights of lesbian and gay people in other countries?’
Thinking points… … is it fair that lesbian and gay people have to hide their relationships? … what effect would it have on you if you had to lie to the people around you about who you are? … do different countries have a right to treat their citizens as they wish or should some rights be universal? … do we have a responsibility to ensure that people are treated fairly in other countries?
Same-sex relationships legal Same-sex marriage Key Same-sex relationships legal Same-sex marriage Other type of partnership (or unregistered cohabitation) Foreign same-sex marriages recognized No legal recognition of same-sex couples Same sex relationships illegal Minimal penalty Large penalty Life in prison Death penalty
Plenery Vote Should the UK government lobby for the rights of lesbian and gay people in other countries? Yes or No? Give one reason for your vote…
KS4 International Human Rights Learning Objective: To understand that lesbian and gay people have different rights around the world.