Presentation #2
Idiom of the Day To be antsy I don’t know what’s wrong with me . I’ve been antsy all day. To have ants in one’s pants. Why can’t you sit still? Do you have ants in your pants?
Lesson Plan 2 Quick description of the plan for today.
Announcements LearnBoost Access Codes Email addresses Journal Entries
Syllabus Any questions or comments?
Final Project Archive of Communicative Activities?????
Chapter and Classroom Activity Presentations Rubrics Lesson Plan Report Sign-Up Sheets
Icebreaker and Reflection STAND IN A LINE
Stand In A Line Focus: Interacting with Others Using Minimal Language Preparation: Because this activity is based on students having to arrange themselves in a line, think of the criteria you would like to use, for example: date of birth, zodiac sign, alphabetic order by first name, favorite month, etc.
Stand In A Line Procedure 1. Ask the students to form a line according to the criterion you have chosen, for example, in alphabetical order of their names. Tell them they should speak to each other in order to decide how to line up. For example: Student 1: What´s your name? Student 2: Fernando. Student 3: Oh, you´re after me. I stand here. I´m Eva.
Stand In A Line 2. After the students have formed a line, ask them to bend around into a circle. When they are in a circle, ask them to say their names (or whatever criterion was used) in order.
Reflection Form groups of four or five and discuss these questions. What is the purpose of this activity? Would you students enjoy this activity? What problems might you have using this activity with your students? What can you do to adapt this activity to overcome any problems you might have?
Reflection Promotes student-to-student communication. Provides grammar practice in an authentic context. Eliminates the need for complex instructions. Repeating is a very simple skill. It trains students NOT to depend on Portuguese translations.
Reflection Teacher can get a sense of what the students know. This type of activity has a REAL purpose: Playing a game and getting to know each other. It creates a safe environment to practice and talk. It emphasizes FLUENCY over accuracy.
The Importance of Communicating in English Video The Importance of Communicating in English “Why Can’t Japanese Speak English”
Resource/Opportunity Any comments on The Monster Book?
Resource/Opportunity English Teaching Forum page 39 My Classroom - a publishing opportunity page 43 Try This “Luck of the Draw” page 2 Professional Development Article
Resource/Opportunity The American English Team and the RELO Office in Brazil are pleased to offer American English Webinar Series 3. The 6 online seminars of the course cover a variety of topics and are intended for teachers of English or future teachers of English around the world.
Resource/Opportunity Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e- certificates. Participants are encouraged to join the associated Ning ( to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars.
Resource/Opportunity The series will take place from May 4 to July 13, 2016. Each 60-minute webinar will be held every other Wednesday during our workshop sessions.
Resource/Opportunity On May 4, our next session, we will meet at CELEST – not here at CECAPRO. Avenida Rui Barbosa 853 at the corner of Avenida Beira Rio (Américo de Almedia)
Next Segment Group 3 Homework Review Continue with next slide Group 4 Go to Slide 44 in 2016 Presentation 1 new teachers
Homework Review Questions 9, 10, and 11 from Snow Chapter 1 Working alone, make a written list of areas in which you would still like to improve your English. What kind of improvement would be most practically useful to you? Write this down. What improvement would you find most personally satisfying? Write this down.
Homework Review What would be most helpful in your teaching? If you were to carry out a plan to improve your English, what would the main challenges be? List them in order of importance. (Consider practical as well as methodological issues.) How much time will you have? Make a written estimate. What access to English and opportunities to use it do you have?
Homework Review What do you like – and not like – about English study? Write specific ideas about this. How can you make your LLP as appealing as possible? Again, be as specific as possible based on your answer to the previous question.
NEW HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT MAKE A LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT (LLP) I’ll discuss the details in our closing section at the end of this session.
Closing Any remaining questions or comments Summary of the session
Closing Homework: EVERYBODY Create a personal Language Learning Project (LLP) Due Date: Our next session Review the material on LLPs in Snow Chapter 1 including Discussion Question 11 on page 15. Review your notes on LLP from our Session 2. Follow the models on pages 16 and 17 from Snow. Be prepared to talk about your LLP in our next session.
Closing Homework (continued): EVERYBODY 2. Read Snow Chapter 2 3. Think about Discussion Question 2 on page 34.
Closing 5. Optional: Read about strategies you can teach students to use in order to improve their reading skills. readers-tricia- hilliard?utm_content=blog&utm_campaign=students-skills- expert- readers&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow&ut m_term=link
Closing Homework (continued) Chapter Presenters: 1. You may use some of my PowerPoint slides 2. Read the material on our website about Chapter Presentations and Rubrics 3. Contact me for help. 4. Email me your materials by midnight on Saturday.
Closing Homework (continued) Classroom Activity Presenters: 1. Contact me for help. 2. Use The Monster Book of Language Teaching Activities for inspiration if you like. You can find this on our website: 3. Read the material on our website about Classroom Activity Presentations and Rubrics. 4. Email me your materials by midnight on Saturday.
Thank You. Thank you for your attention and your participation today. If you have any concerns, questions, or comments, please contact me.