Daniel Taylor Nima Badizadegan R. Terry Black Pantelis Thomadis Boston University Daniel Taylor Nima Badizadegan R. Terry Black Pantelis Thomadis
Mission 1: Communications Determine packet loss in near-space environment Measuring rate of packet loss at varying altitudes Proof of concept for status beacon Status beacon will begin when BUSAT is launched, contains vital status information Important part of communications system
Data: COMMS Receive text beacon every 2 minutes after powerup Similar loss to UN-7 comms link Beacons sent: 27 Beacons received: 16 Highest ALT received: ~85k ft. 40% Loss Makeshift Ground Station
Failure Analysis: COMMS Not all packets received Incorrect azimuth & elevation Difficulty in pointing while mobile Payload instability No packets received after touchdown Assumed catastrophic landing
Conclusions: COMMS Successful test of beacon Transmitter worked throughout the entire flight Plan to reevaluate link budget analysis
Mission 2: Magnetometer Testing magnetometer in different thermal environments Determine three orthogonal magnetic field vectors Determine how well the magnetometer will work with interference
Data: MAG Only expectation is that values are obtained 113 points expected, actually got 128 data points per axis in flight, 170 points per axis total including launch and recovery wait times Should show that the magnetometer reads values from varying temperatures and altitudes Should be comparable to IGRF
Actual Results: MAG All axes in microgauss End of Flight Balloon Burst y Start of Flight Z x
Failure Analysis: COMMS
Failure Analysis: MAG Impossible to compare to IGRF, should be compared to a local field rather than a global field IGRF can only be used at a global level Electrically, no failures
Conclusions: MAG Successful test of magnetometer reading Magnetometer worked throughout the entire flight Scientific mission unsuccessful, unable to analyze field for correctness Know that we can read from magnetometer, and we have data to compare to a local field for future accuracy analysis and calibration tests