Task on Entry “If there is any sound of fire or bomb strike from the Americans, the military artilleries and short-range missiles of the D.P.R.K will fire against South Korea.” “Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!” 5-8 mins Consider both statements from Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump. Go to the Padlet wall and ‘tweet’ your answer to both questions. (Max. 140 characters) Click here to access the Padlet wall. Want to know the latest? Follow us… Twitter @GEMS_WSO | Facebook GEMSWSO
IB Links IB Learner Profile Thinkers – Today you will critically evaluate how to assess the success of actions taken by a state or government. Communicators – Today you will collaborate to create a written evaluation of the big question. TOK Link Do different historical perspectives make it easier or more difficult to understand past events? How does considering multiple perspectives of past events link to your work as a historian making sense of the past? Our study of historiography? 5 mins inc. feedback/critical thinking on TOK link Qs
Learning Objective: Learning Outcomes: The Big Question: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success? Thinkers Communicators Learning Objective: COMMAND TERMS: To what extent… To judge to what extent US involvement in the Korean War 1950-1953 was successful. To develop your knowledge of how to answer a “To what extent…” essay. Learning Outcomes: Grade 6/7 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument that also evaluates different historiographical interpretations. Grade 4 You can start to critically evaluate some of the measures of US success in Korea and support your response with appropriate and relevant examples. Grade 5 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument and making relevant links between them. Review
History Command Terms Compare Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Compare & contrast Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Contrast Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence. Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations. Examine Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue. To what extent Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument. Discuss with student what the question is asking them See page 10 of your IB History Course Guide for Students. This should be in the front of your folder.
Connect Activity How confident would you be if I asked you to answer this essay question in full: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success? Put your post-it note in the place that best fits where you are in your learning at the moment.
Activate Activity As a team you are going to collaborate to identify what you think a higher level answer to this essay question needs to include. You will annotate your ideas onto a section of the IB mark scheme. Essay Title: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success? Leon Brittney Moza Lucy Carys Mihir Chilo Dasha Maryam 1. Use what you have learned to identify what specific knowledge and skills your answer should include. 2. Use the guides on the website to help you annotate your section of the mark scheme. Want to know the latest? Follow us… Twitter @GEMS_WSO | Facebook GEMSWSO
Consolidate Activity How confident would you be if I asked you to answer this essay question in full: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success? Put your post-it note in the place that best fits where you are in your learning at the moment.
Learning Objective: Learning Outcomes: Essay Title: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean war a success? Learning Objective: Thinkers Communicators To judge to what extent US involvement in the Korean War 1950-1953 was successful. 2. To develop your knowledge of how to answer a “To what extent…” essay. COMMAND TERMS: To what extent… Learning Outcomes: Grade 6/7 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument that also evaluates different historiographical interpretations. Grade 4 You can start to critically evaluate some of the measures of US success in Korea and support your response with appropriate and relevant examples. Grade 5 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument and making relevant links between them. Review
Demonstrate Activity As a team you are going to write an answer to this essay question. This is a full essay. You will need an introduction, body paragraphs and a clear conclusion. Essay Title: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean war a success? Leon Brittney Moza Click here for Google doc Lucy Carys Mihir Click here for Google doc Chilo Dasha Maryam Click here for Google doc Each group has a personalised essay challenge. I will be specifically looking at how well your group meets this challenge when I review your essay.
Consolidate Activity What are the successes of the work? Provide feedback on another group’s essay SUCCESS CRITERIA Use the mark scheme on the board AND the individual team challenge to identify areas of success and improvements. HINT: Use extracts from the mark scheme to help you write your feedback. How could the work be improved? A question I would like to ask my peer about their work… Student response to the question above (discussion):
Learning Objective: Learning Outcomes: Essay Title: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean war a success? Learning Objective: Thinkers Communicators To judge to what extent US involvement in the Korean War 1950-1953 was successful. 2. To develop your knowledge of how to answer a “To what extent…” essay. COMMAND TERMS: To what extent… Learning Outcomes: Grade 6/7 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument that also evaluates different historiographical interpretations. Grade 4 You can start to critically evaluate some of the measures of US success in Korea and support your response with appropriate and relevant examples. Grade 5 You critically evaluate 3 or more measures of US success in Korea, presenting a consistent line of argument and making relevant links between them. Review
Consolidate Activity How confident would you be if I asked you to answer this essay question in full: To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success? Put your post-it note in the place that best fits where you are in your learning at the moment.
Consolidation: Completing your essay Pre-reading for next lesson Home Learning Consolidation: Completing your essay Read your peer feedback. Act on the feedback to improve your contribution to the essay. Collaborate to write a conclusion reflecting the arguments made in your essay. Review your introduction to make sure it reflects the line of argument in your essay. Pre-reading for next lesson Read p. 96-100, The Cold War, David G. Williams