Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Only one parent Offspring are identical to parent Usually through mitosis Sexual Reproduction Two parents Offspring are different from both parents Uses meiosis (sperm and egg)
Unit 5, Topic 6 - Seed Plant Reproduction Biology Human Reproduction Biology
Figure 46.9a Female Reproductive anatomy Unit 5, Topic 6 - Seed Plant Reproduction Figure 46.9a Female Reproductive anatomy C D E F A G B
Figure 46.9b Female Reproductive anatomy Unit 5, Topic 6 - Seed Plant Reproduction Figure 46.9b Female Reproductive anatomy B A G F C E Ovaries: Two per female; alternate ovulation stores immature eggs/primary oocytes meiosis begins here Estrogen and Progesterone made here Fallopian tube (oviduct): tube that connects the ovary to the uterus; where meiosis II finishes Site of fertilization eggs can survive here 1 day; sperm survive 3-4 days Uterus: site of implantation of embryo Site of most embryonic development Cervix: opening to the uterus expands during labor Vagina: birth canal menstruation occurs through the vagina very acidic D
Unit 5, Topic 6 - Seed Plant Reproduction
Figure 46.8a Male Reproductive anatomy Unit 5, Topic 6 - Seed Plant Reproduction Figure 46.8a Male Reproductive anatomy OBJ 20 A I B H D Cowper’s Gland C Testes: pair of organs located inside the scrotum outside the body where sperm are produced (so Meiosis I and II happen here) testosterone hormone is also produced here Scrotum: external sac for testes, maintains temperature 1-3 degrees lower than body, increases sperm survival Epididymis: on top of testes; stores sperm until they are fully mobile (flagellum development) Vas Deferens: tube that leads from the epididymis, connects with the urethra Seminal Vesicles: organs that produce sugar, to be added to semen. Prostate Gland: organ that produces alkaline (basic) fluid to counteract vaginal acidity Bulbourethral Gland: secretes a fluid (which may contain sperm) that cleans the urethra before ejaculation. Urethra: tube leading semen out of body (this tube is also used to lead urine out of body) Penis:made of spongy tissue with lots of blood vessels releases semen (sperm, sugar, alkaline fluid) during ejaculation E F G