A helpful guide to organize Ocean Motion Notes A helpful guide to organize all the information you’ve learned! And have yet to leave
A. Motion An object is in motion if its position changes relative to another object. To decide if you are moving, you need a reference Point A reference point is a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion. Examples of reference points relative to Earth ______________ I NEED EXAMPLES!!!
B. Relative Motion Whether something is in motion or not is all based on perspective! An object is in motion when it continuously moves in relation to a reference point or person observing it. Examples: If the sun is the reference point, all rose bushes are moving fast, since the Earth revolves around the sun. If a kid on a bike is the reference point, then the rose bushes are not moving at all. Because rose bushes move with the Earth, it does not look like they are moving. Whose that guy?!?!
C. Measuring Distance Scientist use a system of measurement called The International System of Units. Abbreviated, called SI. Distance is the length of the path between two points. The SI unit for length is the meter. Conversions every 6th grader should know. 1 kilometer= 1000 meters 1 meter= 100 centimeters 1 meter= 1,000 millimeters
D. Speed Speed is the distance an object travels per unit of time. It is a type of rate. A rate tells you the amount of something that occurs or changes in one unit of time. An airplane may travel at a constant speed of 260 m/s. This means the plane travels 260 meters in 1 second. The speed of a snail is 1 mm/s. This means the snail travels 1 millimeter in one second. Speed = Distance M/S = Meter per Time Second
NOTE BREAK!!!! Lets practice finding the speed! 1. use the white board. 2. you can use your calculator. Example #1 : A skateboard goes a distance of 150 meters in 12 seconds. What is its speed? Example #2: An airplane flies 5,250 miles in three hours. What is its speed? Example #3: James’ car goes 330 meters in 45 seconds. Ben’s car goes 467 meters in 59 seconds. Whose car had the faster speed?
E. Average Speed Going the exact same speed for prolonged time is called constant speed. Most moving objects do not travel at a constant speed. Instead, you can calculate their average speed. Add the total distance traveled. Add the total time the activity took. DIVIDE! AVERAGE SPEED: TOTAL DISTANCE TOTAL TIME
F. Instantaneous Speed Instantaneous Speed is the speed at which an object is moving at a given instant in time. NOT the same as average speed! Athletes with the greatest average speed win a cross country race, not the greatest instantaneous speed.
G. Velocity To describe an objects motion, you need to know more than just the speed. You need to know its direction. Velocity is speed in a given direction. When you know a storms speed and the direction it’s moving in, you know its velocity. Velocity is important to many careers, such as airplane pilots air traffic controllers.