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X X X Door Front Table Door Jacob Gabe Kensington Derek Bonito Xavier Tyrone Marieal Alexandria Kendra Jared Juwan Monee Kevin Martez Kyle Joseph Cheyenne Caira Malik Amiyah Samiyah Malcolm Tril Tionna CB Chem Period 7 X X X
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2/3/15 Homework: Agenda problems 1-2 Objective: We will apply the octet rule to explain the formation and structure of a covalent bond. Catalyst Answer Choices: A. 0.80 mL B. 1.20 mL C. 1.60 mL D. 2.00 mL ***READ THIS!!!!*** Announcements: Quiz in 2 weeks!! No tutoring this week A
Agenda Catalyst Announcements/Agenda Covalent bonding simulation Notes Practice
Binders will be here by the end of the week!
A molecule: 2 or more nonmetal atoms that are bonded using covalent bonds Example: H2O
Covalent/molecular Bonding Covalent bonds occur between two or more non-metals. Do non-metals usually have a high or a low electronegativity?
Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons (but would like to have 8) F
Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding …both end with full orbitals Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… …both end with full orbitals F F
F F Example: Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… …both end with full orbitals F F 8 Valence electrons
F F Covalent bonding All atoms want a 8 valance electrons If an atom cannot take the electron (ionic) they will share with another atom so… …both end with full orbitals F F 8 Valence electrons
Covalent bonding Can also be drawn with a line between the two atoms Each atom has a total of 8 valence electrons shared between them. F F
Multiple Bonds There are times that two atoms will share more than one pair of valence electrons. A double bond is when atoms share two pairs of electrons Example CO2 A triple bond is when atoms share three pairs of electrons (6 total) Example N2
Wednesday, February 4th, 2014 HW: Agenda Question 8 Classroom expectations: Wear Kenwood ID. Cell phones, music players, and headphones are put away. Food is disposed of or put away. Dressed appropriately. Notebook is out and you are ready for today’s class. HW: Agenda Question 8 Objective 6: We will create Lewis dot structures for covalent compounds with single, double and triple bonds. Catalyst: A. less than 0.80 kS/cm. B. between 0.80 kS/cm and 2.30 kS/cm. C. between 2.30 kS/cm and 3.80 kS/cm. D. greater than 3.80 kS/cm. D
Announcements No tutoring today. Quiz TUESDAY!
Agenda Catalyst/Announcements Finish properties of covalent compounds Notes on how to draw covalent compounds. Practice drawing covalent compounds.
Review. How would you draw a Lewis dot structure for NaCl?
Review. Why do we put brackets around the chlorine atom in NaCl?
Review. How are covalent bonds different from ionic bonds?
CO2 Carbon dioxide is the gas that we exhale out of our bodies each and everyday. Although it is invisible to our eyes, it does have a distinct structure. So what does CO2 look like anyway???
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 1.) Determine the total number of valence electrons ALL of the atoms have. CO2 = C + O + O 4 + 6 + 6 CO2 has 16 e-
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 2.) Determine the total number of valence electrons ALL of the atoms want. CO2 = C + O + O 8 + 8 + 8 CO2 wants 24 e-
Thursday, February 5th, 2015 HW: Agenda Question 8 Classroom expectations: Wear Kenwood ID. Cell phones, music players, and headphones are put away. Food is disposed of or put away. Dressed appropriately. Notebook is out and you are ready for today’s class. HW: Agenda Question 8 Objective 6: We will create Lewis dot structures for covalent compounds with single, double and triple bonds. Catalyst: Titrant Sample Solution A. acetic acid NaOH B. HCl NaOH C. NaOH acetic acid D. NaOH HCl C
Announcements No tutoring today. Quiz TUESDAY!
Agenda Catalyst/Announcements Finish notes on how to draw covalent compounds. Practice drawing covalent compounds.
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 3.) Calculate the number of electrons the compound will share. Equation: wants – has = shared 24 – 16 = 8 8 e- will be shared in CO2
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 4.) Determine the central atom. Single atom Carbon Least Electronegative atom C
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 5.) Put the central atom in the middle and write the other atoms around. O C O
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 6.) Draw a single bond between the central atom and the outer atoms. O C O
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 7.) Check your equation to make sure enough electrons are being shared. If not, draw in more bonds. CO2 shares 8 e- O C O
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example 8.) Fill in the non-bonding electrons on the outside atoms to fulfill the octet rule. (Remember: Hydrogen only needs 2 electrons!) CO2 has 16 e- O C O
Steps for Drawing Covalent Compounds Example DISCUSS: Do all of the atoms have the number of electrons that they want??? CO2 has 16 e- O C O
Additional Examples Trioxide – AKA Ozone (O3) Cyanide (CN-)
Friday, February 6th, 2015 HW: Agenda Question 7 Objective 6: We will name covalent compounds. Catalyst: A. Cooled the solution to its freezing point B. Heated the solution to its boiling point C. Detected the concentration of nitrazine yellow in the solution D. Passed an electrical current through a portion of the solution Classroom expectations: Wear Kenwood ID. Cell phones, music players, and headphones are put away. Food is disposed of or put away. Dressed appropriately. Notebook is out and you are ready for today’s class. D
Agenda Catalyst Naming Covalent Compounds POGIL
POGIL: Naming Molecular Compounds For today’s POGIL you will complete #1-18. (Ignore the STOP signs.) Each group member has a POGIL role on the card Ms. Kline gives you. Part of your grade for this assignment will be Ms. Kline hearing you use your roles!! 10 min left: STOP!
Naming Molecular Compounds How do you name molecular compounds? (Share your answers from #15) First Name: Name of element with a prefix ONLY IF more than one Last Name: Name of element with a prefix ALWAYS and an –ide ending Note: if a prefix ends in A or O and attached to the element OXYGEN, the vowel on the prefix is dropped Ex: CO Carbon Monoxide, NOT Carbon Monooxide
Prefixes from POGIL 1 = mono 2 = di 3 = tri 4 = tetra 5 = penta 6 = hexa 7 = hepta 8 = octa 9 = nona 10 = deca Fill in on page 2 of POGIL if you don’t have it already
Naming Molecular Compounds Examples BCl3 Boron Trichloride NI3 Nitrogen Triiodide ClF Chlorine Monoflouride P4O10 Tetraphosphorus Decoxide
Practice Write the formula for the following names Disulfur decafluoride Carbon tetrachloride Oxygen difluoride Dinitrogen trioxide Tetraphosphorus heptasulfide Sodium Bromide Name the following compounds PBr3 SCl4 N2F2 SO3 BrF MgF2
Answers Name the following compounds Phosphorous Tribromide Sulfur Tetrachloride Dinitrogen Difluoride Sulfur Trioxide Bromine Monofluoride Magnesium Fluoride (Ionic!!) Write the formula for the following names S2F10 CCl4 OF2 N2O3 P4S7 NaBr (Ionic!!)