ETSI TC MTS TDL SC meeting Reports dr György Réthy, Ericsson
See details in the meeting report: Output of TDL SC#1 26. March 2014 Summary Roles shall be property of the test descriptions, not the test configuration Referencing partial TDs: sub-configuration bindings: keep it simple: choose only one way, the most straightforward and flexible solution: binding in (by) the calling TD Composition of test configurations is low priority Data concepts: test data by (external) reference; distinction between types and templates (in the TTCN-3 sense) is questioned Graphical syntax: primary audience are the end users: to be defined in an easy-to-understand way; standard shall not rely on a specific tool (DD); re-use UML syntax where possible, but avoid changing the semantics of elements STF status report: See details in the meeting report:
Output of TDL SC#2 14. may 2014 Summary Graphical format: Earlier MTS decisions was reinforced: - Not a UML format in a sense that the document shall be self-contained, but it uses UML and UTP elements in all cases when the element has the same semantics in TDL as in UML or UTP The current document is the first draft, it will be further develop based on the above principle (Mantis to be used even for STF-internal changes) First priority is graphical elements for the standard features, convenience features like compartments for groups of definitions are useful, to be added if project timeframe allows
Output of TDL SC#2 14. may 2014 Summary Graphical format (contd): Decisions on graphical elements: - instead of “alt” use “alternative” - change stop to - verdict assignment shall be more distinguished from other actions: important event (especially when using TDL for log representation) [AP to all STF and SC members]: think about an appropriate symbol for “wait” and “quiescence” (it shall not contain pure cutting the line as it may be difficult to implements in tools) Prepare and example demonstrating the semantics of “break”
Output of TDL SC#2 14. may 2014 Summary Textual format: Study report was discussed and two options identified: - the proposed textual syntax is a domain-specific extension of TPLan, completed with its own metamodel; in this case mapping between the TDL and TPLan metamodels needs to be defined; it shall be made clear that the extended TPLan is NOT TDL (as e.g. TDL may want to define its own textual format later) - the textual format is built upon the syntactical basements of TPLan and implements TDL language elements To be clarified with CTI which option ETSI would prefer and continue the discussion afterwards.
Output of TDL SC#2 14. may 2014 Summary Next SC meetings Metamodel: Sub-configurations: has been discussed, no change at this stage Data concept changes are still being discussed Next SC meetings After the next STF session, i.e. second half of June, a doodle poll to be introduced by Gyorgy Before MTS#63, possibly a TDL meeting organized in a similar way as at MTS#62