Esl Family Night May 11, 2016
We had over 55 people come to watch our Program We shared interesting moments, learned and laughed.
Dr. Pierce welcomed everyone
First ELLs in grades 12-4 presented using posters they had created First ELLs in grades 12-4 presented using posters they had created. Here a student presents his Novel Project as part of his Culminating Project.
Here an 8th and 7th grader discuss topics they have learned, From Immigration Then and Now to Forms of Writing.
From Reading to writing we can study poems to learn descriptive language and then use that to describe different habitats. Here we see an ELL discussing 3 different poems and habitats and then comparing them. Do you know the differences between the Southwestern Desert, the Dubai Desert and Murrysville habitats?
Ells in grades 1 & 2 presented a play- To Change or Not to Change: Mr Ells in grades 1 & 2 presented a play- To Change or Not to Change: Mr.Moon , Mr. Earth and Miss wind.
Alphabet &Letter sounds; Lead the way for reading. Kindergarteners described the reading and writing process in their chant: Alphabet &Letter sounds; Lead the way for reading. Talking, sharing, making lists; Help us with our writings. Come take a look and see in our books, Our Writings of our readings! Yay!
Then each kindergartener read one of the stories they had written from books they read.
More Kindergarteners presented their stories
And more kindergarteners . . .
After our program we shared our food and relaxed and got to know one another.
And ate. . . Everyone had a great time at Esl Family Night 2016.