Conducting Practicing and Deepening Lessons Chapter 4- 3rd Grade Math
Describe how procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge are different from each other. Procedural knowledge includes skills, strategies, and processes Declarative knowledge involves information What are the levels of declarative knowledge? From lowest to highest level - knowledge of terminology - facts - generalizations and principles - concepts
How does practice, a staple of effective teaching, commonly get misunderstood? Practice should apply to procedural knowledge not declarative knowledge. Students need to practice skills, strategies, and processes. Students deepen declarative knowledge through other types of activities. What should teachers consider to determine how to best use practice with their students? Modeling, guided practice, close monitoring, frequent structured practice, varied practice, fluency practice, worked examples, practice sessions prior to testing.
What three stages does all procedural knowledge progress through, and what do students learn and do during each stage? Cognitive- learning about the skill, strategy, or process Associative-trying out the strategy and determining which parts they have to alter (most analysis required) Autonomous- students are fine tuning their ability to execute the procedure and developing fluency
Which of the strategies for examining similarities and differences, listed in table 4.2, would best help deepen students’ knowledge in your classroom, and why is this the case? It would depend on the subject and material that is being taught but constructed-response comparisons would require higher level thinking. Also, Venn diagrams are good strategies because they can be used in multiple subjects.
Why are the strategies for examining errors in reasoning central to college and career readiness? Because students who are ready for college and careers have the ability to analyze their own and others’ thinking
Define habit of mind. Also known as mental disposition- a habitual way we have of thinking in complex situations What is a habit of mind you have that makes your thinking less productive than it could be, and what productive habit of mind relates to it? Everyone has different habits of mind that makes their thinking less productive. For example, thinking a child can’t multiply because they do not know how to add. But, that is not necessarily true because the child could memorize or learn them another way.