Koji Ueno National Taiwan U.


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Presentation transcript:

Koji Ueno National Taiwan U. 2003/2/13 @PSROC Status of SVD2 upgrade Koji Ueno National Taiwan U. 2003/2/13 @PSROC

Outline Features of SVD2 Flex saga Schedule & accident Conclusion Smaller beam pipe & more Si layers TTM( see Jerry’s talk) & Flex: done by NTU. Flex saga Low yield & spares Schedule & accident Beam pipe was broken Conclusion

Features of SVD2 Smaller beam pipe R = 2 cm --> 1.5 cm. Originally 1 cm was planed. More silicon layers 3 --> 4. Originally 5 layers were planed. Radiation-hard front-end electronics. Up to 10 MRad is tested OK. Z trigger. Necessary to remove a beam-gas event.

Belle SVD2 246 Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSDs). Each DSSD has 512 z strips and 512 phi strips. Total no. read out is 250 k. It is reduced to 110 k by ‘ganging’. Ganging is done by FLEX.

SVD2 system

SVD1.x dose

TTM & Flex NTU is responsible for TTM & Flex. TTM  see Jerry’s talk. We finished them in spring, 2002. They are now used in 1/10 system without a problem. We need a spare Flex and SVD to prepare for an “accident”.

Z-R trigger

Efficiency for 3-out-of-4 layers

Ganging in FLEX. FLEX DSSD Wire-bonding on Si and FLEX pads. Z strip Read out Signal Signal

Ghost track due to ganging

Flex saga Flex task was supposedly easy. Flex was in a crisis a year ago: low yield, bad wire-bonding, repair etc. Laser beam was used to repair shorted lines to meet a deadline. Only small no. of companies can make a Flex in the world. Exchange of Flex info. among Belle, D0 and CDF.

Laser surgery of shorted wire The shorted wire is fixed by laser.

Wire-bonding 25 mm wire for bonding.

SVD2 schedule

Integrated luminosity

Peak luminosity of Belle & BaBar

Space Shuttle Columbia accident

SuperKamioka in repair

Broken beam pipe

Installation of 1.2 SVD HOM resonant heating Installation of 1.4 SVD Trouble of He cooling system

The SVD2 first cosmic ray muon event Nov. 15, 2002

Conclusion SVD2 upgrade has a successful 1/10 system test. Has seen the 1st CR event. It is likely installed in summer, 2003. It aims for a higher luminosity. We have to prepare a spare SVD and a spare Flex for an accident.