General Practice in Latvia Anete Petraite 3rd year GP trainee LATVIA Photo : Aldis Kursitis Rural teritory Kombuli, Latvia
General practices in Latvia TODAY GPs are the cornerstone of Latvian medical system. From 1993, when Family medicine was founded,amount of GPs has increased from 49 to 1190 GPs. In rural territories works 787 GPs or 57.52% of all GPs in Latvia.152 of them have 2 or more practice places(11.11%)* In rural teritorries GPs are often only place where you can get medical help. *The National Health Service Kaltene’s beach Latvia
Main notes about GP’s structure in Latvia Fishing boats Engure,Latvia
River Gauja, Sigulda,Latvia
GPs IN LATVIA ARE CARED FOR PATIENTS OF ALL AGES Photo: G.Pavils Kjurmrags, Vidzeme’s beach,Lavia
Medieval Castle,Cēsis Latvia
Kolkas rags, farest Northern point of Kurzeme, Latvia
FUNDING Photo: Garden of destinies , Koknese
Photo: Ikšķile, Latvia How to articulate with other healthcare professionals in primary care setting? GP can send a patient to: Specialist for a consultation Radiologic examination Laboratoric examination Functional examination Physical medicine procedures
Where do hospital specialists work? In hospital ambulatory part In hospital In private practice As a consultant in care centre Photo: Nature, Latvia
Do patientes have to go to GP first? Yes! And then GP can organize the next steps for patient to recover faster But patient can go staight to the emergency or first aid office (if it is an emergency situation Photo: Nature,rural territory,Latvia
Direct access to specialists in Latvia are: Gynaecologist Ophthalmologist Psychiatrist In some cases also a dermatologist and surgeon are direct access specialists
Collaboration with secondary care: The problem is state funding. There is limited resources for health care and that is why often patients need to wait a long time (from weeks to months) , before they can get a consultation with a specialist or examinations Specialist after consultation give’s a conclusion and patient after that gives it to a GP
Is there a national electronic program? Right now there is a preparation process for electronic program, which will start to work at the 1 of january next year This project is sponsored by the European Union and there is a plan that GP will be able to make a e-prescription and e-sick-list Many GP already use IT, but they are not connected yet
In conclusion.... Family doctor in Latvia is like a Swiss pocket knife: Multifuncional Designed for everyday use Always at your fingertips Adapts to situation Activities are limited ( co-work with specialists) Tough,unique and irreplaceable Photo:Venspils, Latvia
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